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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Liesel Henn (PDF - 1052k)

Submission DR146 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry into Infrastructure. An economic appraisal framework for evaluating financing alternatives for Public Infrastructure. By Liesel Henn1, Keith Sloan2, Michael Charles3, and Neil Douglas4. Executive summary

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Institute of Value Management (PDF - 299k)

Submission DR125 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Public Infrastructure 3 April 2014 The Institute of Value Management Australia (IVMA) agrees with the Commission’s statements that: • “The overriding message of this draft report is

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Bus Industry Confederation (PDF - 465k)

Submission DR127 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Public Infrastructure: Solutions for Moving People Submission by the Bus Industry Confederation. © Bus Industry Confederation Inc. April 2013. Page 1 of 18. Public Infrastructure: Solutions for Moving People. Submission by the Bus Industry

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) (PDF - 466k)

Submission DR143 for Public Infrastructure View full list

4 April 2014 Public Infrastructure Inquiry Productivity Commission LB2 Collins Street East MELBOURNE VIC 8003 Dear Commissioners Submission to the Public Infrastructure Inquiry with reference to the Draft Reports March 2014

Date received: 4 Apr 2014

Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (PDF - 101k)

Submission DR122 for Public Infrastructure View full list

ISCA is an industry initiative and is the peak body for infrastructure sustainability in Australia. The IS Rating Tool was funded by Federal and State Government Agencies and leading infrastructure companies in the private sector. It is a world

Date received: 3 Apr 2014

Engineers Australia (PDF - 1514k)

Submission DR123 for Public Infrastructure View full list

PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE. Response to the Productivity Commission Draft Report. 3 April 2014. Contact: Andre Kaspura, Policy Analyst, Public Affairs and Marketing, Engineers Australia. 11 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600, Tel: 02 6270 6555 Email:

Date received: 3 Apr 2014

National ICT Australia (NICTA) (PDF - 165k)

Submission DR121 for Public Infrastructure View full list

NICTA Response to the Public Infrastructure Productivity Commission Issues Paper and Draft Report. March 2014. Page 2. Introduction. NICTA thanks the Productivity Commission for the opportunity to submit a response to the Public Infrastructure

Date received: 3 Apr 2014

Council of Mayors (PDF - 531k)

Submission DR119 for Public Infrastructure View full list

• • • • •. 28 March 2014. Inquiry into Public Infrastructure Productivity Commission LB 2 Collins Street East MELBOURNE VIC 8003. By email: To whom it may concern. • • • • •:::· Council of Mayors. South

Date received: 1 Apr 2014

Geoff Edwards (PDF - 126k)

Submission DR118 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. 29 March 2014 The Chairman Inquiry into Public Infrastructure Productivity Commission LB 2 Collins Street East Melbourne Victoria 8003. Public Infrastructure I write to make a submission on the Draft Report. I write in the capacity indicated in

Date received: 1 Apr 2014

Matt Mushalik (PDF - 2713k)

Submission DR120 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. Australian governments want to pay $810m subsidy for unviable road tunnel in Sydney as next oil price spike looms The Federal government refused to financially help car manufacturers and airlines, arguing that companies need to get their “house

Date received: 1 Apr 2014

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