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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME) (PDF - 28k)

Submission 36 for Public Infrastructure View full list

CME. 20 December 2013. Mr Peter Harris Chairman Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003. Email: Dear Mr Harris. CME submission to public infrastructure inquiry. CME is pleased to provide

Date received: 20 Feb 2014

International Centre for Complex Project Management (PDF - 353k)

Submission 105 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Page | 1. SUBMISSION FOR THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT’S. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION PUBLIC INQUIRY. INTO PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE February 2014. Page | 2. International Centre for Complex Project Management PO Box 4208 Kingston ACT 2604 | T 61 (02) 6210

Date received: 18 Feb 2014

John Morandini (PDF - 47k)

Submission 107 for Public Infrastructure View full list

19 February 2014. Public Infrastructure Inquiry. Productivity Commission. Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East. Melbourne Vic 8003. I refer to a policy concept for easing traffic congestion and increasing public. transport capacity in large cities, as

Date received: 17 Feb 2014

I M Gillard (PDF - 117k)

Submission 106 for Public Infrastructure View full list

DEAR COMMISSIONER,. Many investors adopt a core-satellite approach to their investments. This involves holding the bulk of their savings portfolios in their family home and superannuation, with "satellite" investments in managed funds, rental

Date received: 17 Feb 2014

Independent Contractors Australia (PDF - 360k)

Submission 100 for Public Infrastructure View full list

1. ICA submission to The Productivity Commission Inquiry into Public Infrastructure:. Provision, Funding, Financing and Costs 1. Overview This submission focuses on the excessive cost of constructing Australian public infrastructure, arguing the

Date received: 11 Feb 2014

Combined Small Business Alliance of WA Inc (PDF - 63k)

Submission 104 for Public Infrastructure View full list

. Combined Small Business Alliance of WA Inc. PO Box 2237, MIDLAND DC WA 6936. Email: Web: CoSBA . Combined Small Business Alliance of WA (Inc). Date: 10 February 2014 Public Infrastructure Inquiry Productivity

Date received: 10 Feb 2014

Lean Construction Institute of Australia (PDF - 416k)

Submission 103 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Infrastructure Costs The Terms of Reference for the inquiry provide scope for the Productivity Commission to analyse. and report on the following. 1. The current funding and financing of infrastructure in

Date received: 10 Feb 2014

Jeff Borland (PDF - 91k)

Submission 102 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Article published in The Conversation – April 21, 2011 Revealing true cost of public projects not so simple Proposals by Tony Abbott and Barry O’Farrell for greater rigour in evaluating major projects are a step in the right direction when it

Date received: 7 Feb 2014

Attorney-General’s Department (PDF - 283k)

Submission 101 for Public Infrastructure View full list

Attorney-General’s Department. Submission Productivity Commission Inquiry into Public Infrastructure. February 2014. Context. 1. Many Australian communities experience repeated disruptions from flood, cyclone and fire events. These events damage

Date received: 7 Feb 2014

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