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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

National Health Leadership Forum (NHLF) (PDF - 317k)

Submission 475 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

1. National Health Leadership Forum. Human Services Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003 Email: 23 February 2017. Dear Productivity Commission,. National Health Leadership

Date received: 23 Feb 2017

Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) (PDF - 279k)

Submission 474 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Submission to. Productivity Commission Inquiry. Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services. Stage 2: Human Services reform. 23 February 2017. Lee Thomas Federal Secretary. Annie Butler. Assistant Federal Secretary.

Date received: 23 Feb 2017

Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) (PDF - 273k)

Submission 473 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

RACP Submission February 2017: Productivity Commission Issues Paper. – Reforms to Human Services. RACP Submission (February 2017): Productivity Commission Issues Paper – Reforms to Human Services. 2. Introduction The Royal Australasian College

Date received: 23 Feb 2017

Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) (PDF - 162k)

Submission 471 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Submission of the Equality Rights Alliance to the Productivity Commission’s Reforms to Human. Services – Issues Paper. 20 February 2017. Page 2 of 5. Equality Rights Alliance Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) is Australia’s largest network

Date received: 20 Feb 2017

Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (AHCWA) (PDF - 115k)

Submission 468 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Copyright © Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia 2011 Implemented: 01/04/2016 Date for review: 01/04/2018 Version: 2.0 Page 1 of 6 Document Number: 445. Submission Response Productivity

Date received: 19 Feb 2017

The Smith Family (PDF - 192k)

Submission 469 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Level 9, 117 Clarence Street GPO Box 10500 Sydney NSW 2001. Telephone 02 9085 7222 Facsimile 02 9085 7299 Inquiry into Human Services: Identifying whether effectiveness of human services could be improved by introducing

Date received: 19 Feb 2017

The Fred Hollows Foundation (PDF - 98k)

Submission 467 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

THE FRED HOLLOWS FOUNDATION 1. SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO REFORMS TO HUMAN SERVICES The Fred Hollows Foundation (The Foundation) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into

Date received: 17 Feb 2017

National Shelter Inc (PDF - 473k)

Submission 466 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

A National Shelter Submission to the Productivity Commission Reforms to Human Services. Issues paper December 2016. Friday, February 17, 2017. A National Shelter Submission to the Productivity Commission Reforms to Human Services 1 Issues paper

Date received: 17 Feb 2017

Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) (PDF - 660k)

Submission 470 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

. . Reforms to Human Services Second Stage of Human Services inquiry . Submission from Business Council of Co-­‐operatives and Mutuals in response to Productivity Commission Issues Paper . December 2016

Date received: 17 Feb 2017

Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) (PDF - 246k)

Submission 465 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

1. Reforms to Human Services – Submission to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper. Contents. Glossary i. Executive summary ii. 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Public dental health services context in Victoria 5. 2 Scope to improve outcomes 6 2.1 Quality

Date received: 16 Feb 2017

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