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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Opportunity Child (OC) (PDF - 391k)

Submission DR535 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Response to Australian Productivity Commission Draft Report,. Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human. Services: Reforms to Human Services, June 2017. Introduction. Opportunity Child welcomes the release of Draft Report of the

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

Victorian Healthcare Association (VHA) (PDF - 229k)

Submission DR531 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Victorian Healthcare Association Ltd / ABN 54 004 228 111. Level 6, 136 Exhibition Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 T / 03 9094 7777 F / 03 9094 7788 E / VHA Submission - Page 1. S U. B M. I S. S I O. N. Introducing

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand (GSANZ) (PDF - 608k)

Submission DR517 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

July 2017. Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services: Reforms to Human Services, Draft Report. 2. Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand. Author:. Tanya Corrie. Acting Head of Women’s Research, Advocacy and Policy Centre.

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

Jesuit Social Services (JSS) (PDF - 786k)

Submission DR530 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Submission to the Draft Report of the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services. July 2017. 1. Contents. Who we are. 2. Introduction. 3. Recommendations. 4. Human services in remote

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

Southern Youth and Family Services (SYFS) (PDF - 329k)

Submission DR555 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

SOUTHERN YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES. Phone: 02 4228 1946 467 Crown Street Facsimile 02 4226 6364 Wollongong NSW 2500 Email: PO Box 23, Wollongong NSW 2520 ABN: 70 244 601 731. Youth Accommodation and Housing Services

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA) (PDF - 163k)

Submission DR533 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

GPO Box 1947. Canberra ACT 2601. Level 2 Favier House. 51 Cooyong St Braddon ACT 2612. T 02 6285 1366. ABN 18 810 059 716. 14 July 2017. The Commissioners, Human Services Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

City of Sydney (PDF - 218k)

Submission DR540 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

July 2017 1. City of Sydney submission to Australian Government Productivity Commission draft report on reforms to human services, June 2017. Introduction The City welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Australian Government Productivity

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) and Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) (PDF - 368k)

Submission DR552 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Australian Women Against Violence Alliance and Equality Rights Alliance Submission to the Productivity. Commission Introducing Competition and Informed User Choice into Human Services Draft Report. 14 July 2017 AWAVA and ERA welcome the opportunity

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

City of Whittlesea (PDF - 493k)

Submission DR519 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission. Human Services Inquiry. 1 14 July 2017. City of Whittlesea. Submission to the Productivity. Commission Human Services Inquiry. July 2017. Contact: Jacqueline Bell Advocacy and Partnerships Officer City of

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

Council to Homeless Persons (CHP) (PDF - 711k)

Submission DR522 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

C. ouncil to H o. m eless Persons – Productivity C. om m. ission draft rep ort Introducing C. om petition and. Inform ed. U ser C. hoice into H u. m an Services: R. eform s to H. u m. an Services – July 2017. Council to Homeless Persons –

Date received: 14 Jul 2017

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