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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australian Education Union (PDF - 42k)

Submission 89 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

!""!""# ""!""!". " #" "". $% &''(. Authorised by:. Pat Byrne Australian Education Union Acting Federal President 120 Clarendon Street. Southbank Vic 3006. Robert Durbridge Telephone : 03 9693 1800 Federal Secretary Fax : 03 9693 1805. E-mail :

Date received: 16 Apr 2003

Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs (PDF - 6k)

Submission 90 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

Productivity Commission Review of MRA and TTMRA. With regard to the Mutual Recognition Legislation Review of 1998, I have been unable to establish that the reported recommendations for the development of national arrangements for product recalls and

Date received: 16 Apr 2003

The Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Inc # (PDF - 387k)

Submission 87 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

The Australian Council of Physiotherapy Regulating Authorities Inc. A Submission to the Productivity Commission. A Review of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA). and the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement (TTRMA). Prepared by: The

Date received: 16 Apr 2003

Pharmacy Board of New South Wales (PDF - 20k)

Submission 88 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

PHARMACY BOARD OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 1. The Mutual Recognition Acts (MRA) Commonwealth, States and Territories. The Board’s experience with the MRA has been universally good. Compared with the cumbersome system it replaced, which required the

Date received: 15 Apr 2003

Real Estate Institute of Australia (PDF - 37k)

Submission 86 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

REIA SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION REVIEW OF MUTAL RECOGNITION ARRANGEMENTS. (IN THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY). PROPOSAL. 1. The Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) proposes that:. a. the levels of qualifications and training programs for

Date received: 15 Apr 2003

Real Estate Institute of South Australia (PDF - 41k)

Submission 82 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list


Date received: 14 Apr 2003

Rheem Australia Pty Ltd (PDF - 71k)

Submission 85 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

Rheem Australia Pty Ltd ABN 21 098 823 511. 1 Alan Street (PO Box 6) Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia Tel 61 2 9684 9100 Fax 61 2 9684 9184. K:study mra subs sub085.doc. ! . "#$ % &' '(. •') &#'(. •''''($''',#( ',# '-(. •')'' ./(. •') &'''

Date received: 14 Apr 2003

Australasian Soft Drink Association Ltd (ASDA) # (PDF - 19k)

Submission 84 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

1. Submission. To the. Productivity Commission. On the operation of the. Trans Tasman mutual recognition Agreement. April 2003. 2. 1.0 Introduction. The Australasian Soft Drink Association Ltd (ASDA) is the peak council of the non-alcoholic water

Date received: 14 Apr 2003

Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern Inc (New Zealand) (PDF - 25k)

Submission 83 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission on TTMRA. Employers and Manufacturers (Northern) Page 1 of. EMA NORTHERN. SUBMISSION. by. EMPLOYERS AND MANUFACTURERS’ASSOCIATION (N) INC. to the. Australian Productivity Commission. on. Trans-Tasman Mutual

Date received: 14 Apr 2003

Optometrists Association Australia (PDF - 24k)

Submission 79 for Review Of Mutual Recognition (2003) View full list

O P T O M E T R I S T S A S S O C I A T I O N A U S T R A L I A A B N 1 7 0 0 4 6 2 2 4 3 1. 2 0 4 D R U M M O N D S T R E E T C A R L T O N V I C T O R I A P O B O X 1 8 5 C A R L T O N S O U T H V I C T O R I A 3 0 5 3. T E L E P H O N E 0 3 9 6 6

Date received: 11 Apr 2003

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