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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

National Library and Information Services (PDF - 17k)

Submission 206 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Submission by the National Library and Information Services (NILS) and the IT-Test Consortium to the Productivity Commission Review of the Disability. Discrimination Act. Hearing Date &Time: Friday 25 July, 3:30pm, VCAT 55 King St. Room 6.1. Persons

Date received: 18 Jul 2003

Council for Equal Opportunity in Employment Ltd (PDF - 15k)

Submission 204 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

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Date received: 17 Jul 2003

Gold Coast City Council (PDF - 36k)

Submission 205 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Social Planning and Community Development Unit, Libraries, Social and Cultural Branch, Community Services Directorate, Gold Coast City Council. Page 1 of 4. . !"#! Submission prepared by Rita Struthers, Disability Planning and Development Officer,

Date received: 17 Jul 2003

Gippsland Carers Association Inc. (PDF - 55k)

Submission 203 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Write to: Gippsland Carers Association Inc. PO Box 937, MOE. 3825. or Phone/ Fax (03) 5127 1904: AIN A0035748T. July 12 2003. As a full time unpaid family carer and Honorary President of the Gippsland Carers Association Inc

Date received: 16 Jul 2003

Mansfield Community Forum (PDF - 15k)

Submission 202 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Submission for Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Disability Discrimination Act. From information gathered at a community forum in Mansfield, Victoria to discuss the DDA and it’s effectiveness. Attendees at the forum were:. Colleen Reynolds,

Date received: 15 Jul 2003

Peter Young (PDF - 13k)

Submission 199 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Qld 13 July 2003 Productivity Commission Disability Discrimination Act Inquiry LB2 Collins Street East MELBOURNE VIC 8003 This is a personal submission to the inquiry into the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 being conducted by the Productivity

Date received: 14 Jul 2003

A/Prof Frank Fisher # (PDF - 40k)

Submission 200 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

I am concerned to raise with this inquiry the consequences of the explicit permission written into the Act, to discriminate against the chronically ill in insurance. My concerns are set out in:. 1. a paper I wrote on the Act in 2000 published by the

Date received: 14 Jul 2003

Australian Taxi Industry Association (PDF - 60k)

Submission 201 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list


Date received: 14 Jul 2003

NSW Office of Employment Equity and Diversity # (PDF - 53k)

Submission 172 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Page 1 of 13. SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. Inquiry into the effectiveness of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. ABOUT THIS AGENCY. The NSW Office of Employment Equity and Diversity (Office of the Director of Equal Opportunity in

Date received: 13 Jul 2003

John Uri * (PDF - 36k)

Submission 197 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

1. . JOHN URI!"Disability. Discrimination Act 1992. #$% &'$"! ' %! (),#!% %-%-$%! -"&&!,. # %'. %! -&, #! %. %. •' % -%/! , 0-%! % %. '! ,(! 1 &''! -,-!"! $! &2! &$!, #. '! ' % -%! $ % $,. • % -%/!' 0. ' &!,. && - %! %%! '! ,. •-%' '. %'. '! ''

Date received: 11 Jul 2003

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