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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (PDF - 49k)

Submission 117 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

1. Productivity Commission Inquiry into the. Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Submission by the New South Wales Council for. Intellectual Disability. The New South Wales Council for Intellectual Disability. 2. The NSW Council for Intellectual

Date received: 26 May 2003

Attorney General's Department (PDF - 55k)

Submission 115 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

1 of 13. INQUIRY INTO THE DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT 1992 – SUBMISSION BY THE COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Introduction. The Commonwealth Government’s disability discrimination policy is designed to break down, to the greatest

Date received: 26 May 2003

Dennis Denning (PDF - 15k)

Submission 109 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

1. QLD 22 May 2003 Productivity Commission Disability Discrimination Act Inquiry LB2 Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003 To Members of the Productivity Commission, Re: Disability Discrimination Act Inquiry I am a person who suffers from a

Date received: 23 May 2003

David W. Norton (PDF - 16k)

Submission 111 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

THIS PAPER WAS PREPARED BY: DAVID W. NORTON. 21ST MAY 2003. Member’s of Board, Ladies and Gentlemen. I asked if I could be heard by this Commission, because I have been. discriminated against by 5 different companies, of which 3 of those.

Date received: 23 May 2003

Darwin Community Legal Service (PDF - 15k)

Submission 110 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION REVIEW Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA). We endorse and adopt the submission of the Disability Rights Network in which our Centre participates. Further,. 2.1 Definitionall issues Would an alternative definition of

Date received: 23 May 2003

Physical Disability Council of Australia (PDF - 60k)

Submission 113 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Physical Disability Council of Australia Ltd P O Box 77. Northgate Qld 4013 Telephone: 07 3267 1057. Fax: 07 3267 1733 Email: Productivity Commission Inquiry. into the Disability Discrimination

Date received: 23 May 2003

National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) # (PDF - 106k)

Submission 114 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

. Submission from the: National Ethnic Disability Alliance. May 2003. © NEDA. 2. INTRODUCTION.4. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS.5. NESB-DISABILITY ISSUES.7. General Issues.7. Discrimination.7. Access to Services &Information.8. The DDA.8.

Date received: 23 May 2003

National Council on Intellectual Disability (PDF - 58k)

Submission 112 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Inquiry into the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Submission by the National Council on Intellectual Disability (NCID) to the Productivity Commission, May 16, 2003. INTRODUCTION We live in a society where our assumptions, beliefs, values – and

Date received: 23 May 2003

Melville Miranda (PDF - 6k)

Submission 105 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Elizabeth Hastings The late Hastings (1996) the Disability Discrimination Commissioner said ‘Parents of students who do not have a disability are sometimes resentful that the class in which their child is learning includes one or more students

Date received: 22 May 2003

Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Assoc of Tasmania (PDF - 14k)

Submission 106 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Paraplegic &Quadriplegic Association of Tasmania Inc. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Submitted by: Paraplegic &Quadriplegic Assoc. of Tasmania Inc. PO Box 1528 GLENORCHY Tas. 7010. 15th May,

Date received: 22 May 2003

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