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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Jean C. Bailey (PDF - 19k)

Submission 98 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Mrs J.C.Bailey Tasmania Saturday 17th May 2003 To the Submissions of Discrimination. To begin with, until our son had such a tragic accident, I knew nothing about people with disabilities. I can assure you I know a lot more now. Not everything, but

Date received: 19 May 2003

Office of Mental Health - WA (PDF - 16k)

Submission 94 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. MAY 2003. While this submission represents the views of the Office of Mental Health, advice from other key stakeholders (WAAMH, Health Consumers’Council, People with Disabilities,

Date received: 19 May 2003

Paul Jenkin # (PDF - 67k)

Submission 100 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

19 May 2003. Ms Helen Owens Commissioner Productivity Commission LB2 Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003. Dear Ms Owens. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the National Competition Policy Review of the Disability Discrimination Act (the

Date received: 19 May 2003

Deafness Association of Northern Territory (PDF - 16k)

Submission 89 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

ATTENTION; KIM GUSBERTI - KIM , HEREWITH AS REQUESTED THE FINAL AMENDMENT OF MY TALK AT DARWIN PARLIAMENT HOUSE ON 27TH MAY:. I’ve been President on and off of the Deafness Association NT for the past l5 years I have a very severe hearing loss and

Date received: 19 May 2003

Disability Rights Victoria (PDF - 26k)

Submission 95 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission Review of Disability Discrimination Act. The following submission is lodged on behalf of Disability Rights Victoria, a consortium of four Victorian disability advocacy organisations. They are:. Victorian Rural

Date received: 19 May 2003

Public Advocate in Victoria (PDF - 27k)

Submission 91 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

1. Inquiry into the Disability Discrimination Act Submission to the Productivity Commission from the Public Advocate. in Victoria May 2003. . Introduction. This submission from the Public

Date received: 19 May 2003

Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (PDF - 41k)

Submission 97 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. Submission to the Inquiry into the Disability Discrimination Act. On behalf of:. Prepared by:. Associate Professor Greg Leigh, PhD, FACE Assistant Chief Executive (Educational Services)/ Conjoint Associate Professor of

Date received: 19 May 2003

Job Watch # (PDF - 74k)

Submission 90 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

SUBMISSION. Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Disabilty Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth). By Jen Anderson and Andrew McCarthy.  Job Watch Inc. May 2003. Job Watch Inc Level 10, 21 Victoria Street, Melbourne 3000 Ph (03) 9662 9458 Fax (03)

Date received: 19 May 2003

Independent Living Centre NSW Inc. (PDF - 41k)

Submission 92 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

Independent Living Centre NSW Inc Submission to the Inquiry into the DDA May 2003 Page 1. . Submission to the Inquiry into the Disability Discrimination Act. The Independent Living Centre NSW Inc provides information, advice and education services

Date received: 19 May 2003

National Catholic Education Commission # (PDF - 38k)

Submission 86 for Review Of The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 View full list

NCEC Submission to Review of the DDA - Page 1. NATIONAL CATHOLIC EDUCATION COMMISSION. Submission to the Productivity Commission Review of the Disability Discrimination Act (Cth) 1992. (i) Introduction. The National Catholic Education Commission

Date received: 19 May 2003

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