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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Dr Jesse Adams Stein and Dr Alexandra Crosby (PDF - 172k)

Submission 51 for Right To Repair View full list

1. Right to Repair. Productivity Commission. 4 National Circuit. Barton ACT 2600. 28 January 2021. RE: Right to Repair. The following submission is a brief summary of observations and recommendations following a collaborative research project that

Date received: 31 Jan 2021

Bower Reuse and Repair Centres (PDF - 678k)

Submission 48 for Right To Repair View full list

MARRICKVILLE STORE. Building 34, 142. Addison Rd, Marrickville. Mon – Sat: 10am – 5pm. Sun: 10am – 4pm. Ph: (02) 8203 4293. PARRAMATTA STORE. Shop 1 10 Hunter St,. Parramatta. Mon – Sat: 9am – 4pm. Ph: (02) 9635 3699. ELECTRONIC WORKSHOP.

Date received: 31 Jan 2021

South Australian Repair Cafe (PDF - 612k)

Submission 46 for Right To Repair View full list

1. Right to Repair. Productivity Commission. 4 National Circuit Barton. ACT 2600,. Australia. Establishing a Right to Repair Law in Australia for. environmental, social, and economic good. Submission from South Australian Repair Cafe Coordinators.

Date received: 31 Jan 2021

Transition Town Sunshine Coast (PDF - 83k)

Submission 28 for Right To Repair View full list

The grassroots community known as Transition Towns Sunshine Coast, appreciate the Honourable Josh Frydenberg requesting the Productivity Commission to inquiry in the ‘Right to Repair’movement in Australia. We are grateful for the opportunity to

Date received: 30 Jan 2021

Bridgitte Janday (PDF - 51k)

Submission 37 for Right To Repair View full list

To whom it may concern,. I am writing for being sick of having to regularly throw away and buy a new toaster or television when they all too frequently stop working. I am writing from the frustration of trying repair a simple household item such as

Date received: 30 Jan 2021

Chironjit Das (PDF - 30k)

Submission 31 for Right To Repair View full list

Dear Sir / Madam,. Submission: Protect Our Right To Repair. The right to repair is fundamental to making technology accessible to people. For many people, their hardware purchase will likely be the single most expensive item that they purchase in

Date received: 30 Jan 2021

Robert Helstroom (PDF - 110k)

Submission 30 for Right To Repair View full list

Submission to Australian Government Productivity Commission Right to Repair Inquiry. . Robert Helstroom, 30 January 2021. In describing the breadth of applicability and the range of repair

Date received: 30 Jan 2021

Dorte Planert (PDF - 104k)

Submission 36 for Right To Repair View full list

Submission regarding ‘Right to Repair’Please investigate and ACT on the areas of most concern: There are currently unnecessary barriers to repair:. 1. Price of parts and high postage, which quite often makes new products from China cheaper than

Date received: 30 Jan 2021

Katherine Stuart (PDF - 130k)

Submission 29 for Right To Repair View full list

Submission to the Right of Repair Commission. Need for regulation/policy instruments regarding whitegoods entering the market in Australia –. design for repair and support for repairers. Inbuilt obsolescence has been a feature of the consumer

Date received: 30 Jan 2021

GiveGet (PDF - 162k)

Submission 35 for Right To Repair View full list

1 © Samantha Kurikawa January 2021. Submission. Right to Repair Inquiry SSuubbmmiissssiioonn bbyy SSaammaanntthhaa KKuurriikkaawwaa. Economic theory states that consumers act rationally at all times. Homo economicus is demonstrated to be. false,

Date received: 30 Jan 2021

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