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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Tractor and Machinery Association of Australia (TMA) (PDF - 2781k)

Submission DR228 for Right To Repair View full list

1. Productivity Commission Right to Repair Inquiry Submission by Tractor &Machinery Association of Australia. 6 August 2021. 2. Submission in Response to Productivity Commission draft report The Tractor &Machinery Association of Australia (TMA)

Date received: 6 Aug 2021

Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) (PDF - 545k)

Submission DR223 for Right To Repair View full list

FCAI Submission:. Productivity Commission Draft Report. Right to Repair. Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries. Level 1, 59 Wentworth Avenue. Canberra ACT 2604. Phone: 61 2 6247 3811. Contact:. Mr Tony McDonald – Director, Industry Operations.

Date received: 5 Aug 2021

Ewaste Watch Institute (PDF - 103k)

Submission DR221 for Right To Repair View full list

Ewaste Watch Institute Limited ABN 84 630 469 377 35 Feathertop Track, Harrietville Victoria 3741 AUSTRALIA. 1 August 2021 Right to Repair Inquiry Productivity Commission 4 National Circuit Barton Act 2600 By email to:

Date received: 30 Jul 2021

Communications Alliance (PDF - 74k)

Submission DR219 for Right To Repair View full list

Ad dr es s : L e ve l 12 7 5 M i l l e r S t re e t No r t h S y d ne y NS W 2 0 6 0 P h o n e : 6 1 2 9 95 9 9 11 1. P os ta l A d dr es s : P. O. Box 44 4 M i l s o ns P o i n t N S W 15 6 5 AB N : 56 07 8 0 26 50 7 P a g e 1. 30 July 2021.

Date received: 30 Jul 2021

NSW Young Lawyers (PDF - 310k)

Submission DR220 for Right To Repair View full list

Submission on the Productivity Commission's Right to Repair Draft Report. 30 July 2021. Australian Government's Productivity Commission. Contact: Simon Bruck. President, NSW Young Lawyers. Ashleigh Fehrenbach. Chair, NSW Young

Date received: 30 Jul 2021

Department of Home Affairs (PDF - 113k)

Submission DR213 for Right To Repair View full list

OFFICIAL. 6 Chan Street Belconnen ACT 2617 PO Box 25 Belconnen ACT 2616 • Telephone: 02 6264 1111 • Fax: 02 6225 6970 • OFFICIAL REF: ADD2021/4035708. Ms Julie Abramson Mr Paul Lindwall Commissioners – Right to Repair

Date received: 29 Jul 2021

Watch and Clockmakers of Australia (Victorian branch) (PDF - 79k)

Submission DR217 for Right To Repair View full list

23-7-2021. WCA-VIC BRANCH:. SUBMISSION TO THE ACCC-PRODUCTIVITY:. COMMISION WITH REFERENCE TO RIGHT TO REPAIR HEARINGS:. To commissioner Paul Lindwall and Julie Abramson. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to make a written submission to the

Date received: 29 Jul 2021

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) (PDF - 217k)

Submission DR211 for Right To Repair View full list

T 61 2 6272 3933 F 61 2 6272 5161. John Gorton Building Parkes ACT 2600. GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601. ABN 34 190 894 983. Ref: EC21-001003. Right to Repair Productivity Commission Dear Commissioners The Department of

Date received: 29 Jul 2021

Peter Newman (PDF - 336k)

Submission DR215 for Right To Repair View full list

Right To Repair submission to the Australian Productivity Commission. The time is right for change - we have a Right To Repair. Prepared by Peter Newman 29 July 2021. In regard to advocating changes to Right To Repair (RTR) there are many different

Date received: 29 Jul 2021

Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) (PDF - 747k)

Submission DR212 for Right To Repair View full list

1. Level 14, 10-16 Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000. ABN 23 100 188 752 T 03 9639 7600 W Submission on the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report Right to Repair. 23rd July 2021. By email: Dear Commissioners,.

Date received: 29 Jul 2021

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