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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Composite Group (PDF - 21k)

Submission DR118 for Science And Innovation View full list

COMPOSITE GROUP A UNIT OF COMPOSITE DEVELOPMENTS PTY. LIMITED. A.B.N. 98 003 516 372 LEVEL 17, NO 201 MILLER STREET. NORTH SYDNEY N.S.W. 2060. Mail to P.O. Box 6438 North Sydney N.S.W. 2059. Tel 02 9959 2262 Fax 02 9959 2244. Email:

Date received: 12 Dec 2006

Professor Rachel Parker (PDF - 46k)

Submission DR117 for Science And Innovation View full list

1. Written Submission on: Productivity Commission, 2006, Public Support for Science and. Innovation, Draft Research Report, Productivity Commission, Canberra. Professor Rachel Parker School of Management Queensland University of Technology GPO Box

Date received: 12 Dec 2006

E/Prof Trevor Cole (PDF - 504k)

Submission DR115 for Science And Innovation View full list

Trevor Cole page 1 dec06/ProductivityReportComments.doc. PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR SCIENCE AND INNOVATION. - A Draft Research Report from the Productivity Commission. Comments by Emeritus Professor Trevor Cole, Summary This submission

Date received: 8 Dec 2006

GrainCorp Limited (PDF - 11k)

Submission DR116 for Science And Innovation View full list

Science and Innovation Study Productivity Commission PO Box 80 Belconnen ACT 2616. 5 December 20068 December 2006. Dear Sir/Madam. Public Support for Science and Innovation: Productivity Commission Issues Paper. We refer to the draft Productivity

Date received: 7 Dec 2006

Professor Brian Fitzgerald (PDF - 125k)

Submission DR114 for Science And Innovation View full list

Further Submission to the Productivity Commission . Professor Brian Fitzgerald QUT Law School . Dear Productivity Commission,.

Date received: 7 Dec 2006

Australian Academy of Science (PDF - 48k)

Submission DR113 for Science And Innovation View full list

Australian Academy of Science. Ian Potter House, Gordon Street, Canberra 2601. GPO Box 783, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Telephone: 61 (0) 2 6201 9409 Fax: 61 (0) 2 6201 9494. 1. Science and Innovation Study Productivity

Date received: 6 Dec 2006

Charles Lawson (PDF - 10k)

Submission DR112 for Science And Innovation View full list

With respect, I am not sure that your draft report at pages 5.16-5.17 dealing with IP and competition policy fairly reflects my submission. Your draft report provides that “the regulation of IP is ‘just another regulatory measure to promote

Date received: 28 Nov 2006

Carol O'Donnell (PDF - 9k)

Submission DR111 for Science And Innovation View full list

Dear Sir/Madam I would like to provide comment relevant to the Productivity Commission's draft research report entitled 'Public Support for Science and Innovation' (2006). My comment on postgraduate research, which has recently been made to related

Date received: 24 Nov 2006

Prof Stevan Harnad (PDF - 11k)

Submission DR110 for Science And Innovation View full list

I will be brief, as the essential points are very simple: Australia will derive great benefit and will also perform a service for the rest of the research world, if, as proposed: (1) Australia mandates that all publicly funded research articles must

Date received: 22 Nov 2006

Michael McAteer # (PDF - 28k)

Submission DR109 for Science And Innovation View full list

1. Submission to Productivity Commission Study of Public Support for Science and Innovation in Australia. Overview Current policy approaches to innovation lack a strategically integrated whole-of-government focus. Specifically, an integrated

Date received: 22 Nov 2006

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