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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Ross Rea (PDF - 61k)

Submission DR113 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

Dear Sir, It is of great alarm that the Productivity Commision is even considering removing the TUSO from the Australian population that is covered by SkyMuster, the 3% of the NBN footprint that covers rural and remote Australia. This service is

Date received: 23 Jan 2017

Balranald Shire Council (PDF - 612k)

Submission DR112 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

BALRANALD SHIRE COUNCIL. FROM THE OFFICE OF MAYOR ALL COMMUNICATIONS MUST BE ADDRESSED TO THE GENERAL MANAGER. LB:CH:413 Contact:. 20th January 2017. Mr Paul Lindwall Presiding Commissioner Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation

Date received: 23 Jan 2017

Gulf Savannah Development Inc (PDF - 231k)

Submission DR111 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

60 Landsborough Street PO Box 500. Normanton QLD 4890 Telephone: 07 4745 1000. Email: Website: ABN: 69 956 728 660. Submission to the USO enquiry Gulf Savannah Development (GSD) appreciates the

Date received: 23 Jan 2017

Mitiamo IT (PDF - 380k)

Submission DR118 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

1 | P a g e Prepared by: Nick Marlow Date: January 27, 2017. Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation Inquiry Submission from Mitiamo IT – Nick Marlow - to Productivity Commission Public Enquiry. Thank you for the

Date received: 23 Jan 2017

Isolated Children's Parents' Association of NSW Inc. (PDF - 424k)

Submission DR117 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

ICPA-NSW Submission to the Productivity Commission – Draft Report Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation. 2017 Page 1. Isolated Children’s Parents’Association of NSW Inc. Submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report.

Date received: 23 Jan 2017

Coutts Communications (PDF - 354k)

Submission DR114 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report (November 2016) on the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (TUSO). By Professor Reg Coutts. 1. Introduction Reforming the Telecommunications Universal

Date received: 23 Jan 2017

Regional Development Australia - Northern Territory (PDF - 219k)

Submission DR115 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

1. COMMENTS ON THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNIVERSAL SERVICE OBLIGATION. INQUIRY DRAFT REPORT. Our comments have been structured as follows. General comments on the Draft report with respect. to the use/availability of data,

Date received: 23 Jan 2017

Kate Bradshaw (PDF - 27k)

Submission DR94 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

Due to our location our children are education via Distance Education (it is our only option) we have several phone lines and computers that are all used simultaneously. We do not have mobile range. I think the satellite will become congested and

Date received: 20 Jan 2017

Marianne O’Halloran (PDF - 27k)

Submission DR96 for Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation View full list

the loss of the telephone land line in our area{ penarie} would a mistake. there is little or no mobile phone coverage and if the power goes down there is only the land line coverage available. The land line need to be maintained to support our

Date received: 20 Jan 2017

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