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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Mr Ben Blackburn (PDF - 18k)

Submission DR127 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

2nd June 2006. Mr. Philip Weickhardt, Presiding Officer for the Inquiry into Waste Generation, Productivity Commission PO Box 80, CANBERRA, ACT, 2616 Dear Mr. Weickhardt,. I write to you with regards to the phasing out of plastic bags in supermarkets

Date received: 26 Jun 2006

Hanson Landfill Services (PDF - 11k)

Submission DR125 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

Hanson Hanson Landfill Services Pty Ltd ABN 59 006 299 832 Ground Floor, 601 Doncaster Road Doncaster VIC 3108 Locked Bag 4000 Doncaster VIC 3108 Tel (03) 9274 3700 Fax (03) 9274 3793 www.hanson, biz. 6 June 2006. Inquiry into Waste Generation and

Date received: 21 Jun 2006

Mr Norman Longworth # (PDF - 77k)

Submission DR124 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

Norman Longworth. Saturday, 10 June 2006. The Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins St East Melbourne VIC 8003. Dear Sir/Madam, PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT FOR COMMENT WASTE GENERATION AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCY I attach some comments

Date received: 14 Jun 2006

Ms Debra Chant (PDF - 8k)

Submission DR130 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

re Waste Management Draft Report. In October 2004 the township of Birregurra became the first Victorian community to become plastic bag free (The Age, Saturday 9th October, page three). The proprietor of the General Store made the simple decision

Date received: 1 Jun 2006

Martin (PDF - 7k)

Submission DR133 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

I refer to the above report which was published last week. I agree with your findings - specifically that less than 1% of plastic bags become litter, and that the Government's commitment to end plastic bag use should not proceed unless it is

Date received: 29 May 2006

Mr Rudy Ericson (PDF - 7k)

Submission DR134 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

From: rudy ericson Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2006 7:05 PM Subject: Plastic bags This report on the viability of phasing out plastic bags is grossly irresponsible. You should be ashamed of yourselves. What is it about this economy that preoccupies us so?

Date received: 24 May 2006

Mr Peter Boddis (PDF - 7k)

Submission DR132 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

From: Peter Boddis Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2006 8:34 AM Subject: Plastic &Green Bags. It was with interest I noted your article on plastic shopping bags. Currently the Green material bags on sale at supermarkets are being promoted as environmentally

Date received: 23 May 2006

Ms Jan Kassulke (PDF - 7k)

Submission DR135 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

From: jan kassulke Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2006 8:00 AM Subject: Plastic Bag Ban. One thing that always seems to be missed in this argument. Generally everyone wants to recycle plastic bags from the supermarket BUT usually the bags from the checkouts

Date received: 23 May 2006

Mr Laurie French (PDF - 7k)

Submission DR129 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

From: Laurie French Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2006 10:40 AM. Congratulations on the draft report regarding waste management /recycling and the commonsense shown in the report as to the feasibility of the zero waste policy, and costs related to both

Date received: 23 May 2006

Mr Peter Boddis (PDF - 7k)

Submission DR132 for Waste Generation And Resource Efficiency View full list

From: Butler Greg Sent: Tuesday, 23 May 2006 1:40 PM Subject: Productivity Commission 2006, Waste Management, Draft Report, Canberra. Dear people,. With reference to the Productivity Commission 2006, Waste Management, Draft Report, Canberra;. If the

Date received: 23 May 2006

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