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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Farmers for Climate Action (PDF - 84k)

Submission 65 for Future Drought Fund View full list

10 July 2023. Commissioner Joanne Chong Commissioner Malcolm Roberts Dear Commissioners,. Farmers for Climate Action thanks the Productivity Commission for the opportunity to provide feedback to the interim Future

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

Upper Mooki Landcare Inc (PDF - 119k)

Submission 73 for Future Drought Fund View full list

KEY POINTS INFOR – RESPOND TO THESE THROUGH REPORTA focused Future Drought Fund for a. changing climate. The Future Drought Fund can play an important role in assisting the Australian agricultural sector. to prepare for the effects of drought and

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

Australian River Restoration Centre (ARRC) (PDF - 107k)

Submission 13 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

Murray Darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023. Submission. This submission is made on behalf of the Australian River Restoration Centre’s (ARRC) team, as well as the rivers, wetlands, creeks and billabongs, we work to protect and restore

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

NFP House (PDF - 261k)

Submission 71 for Future Drought Fund View full list

NFP House provides information and advisory services to not-for-profit (NFP) organisations. Any advice, information or data provided by NFP House does not constitute financial or legal recommendations and should not be relied upon for business

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

Coutts J&R (PDF - 217k)

Submission 68 for Future Drought Fund View full list 1. Future Drought Fund Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra ACT 2601. 11 July 2023. Dear Commissioners. Coutts J&R are the monitoring, evaluation and learning consultants for the Climate Services for. Agriculture program. We

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

Australian Fodder Industry Association (AFIA) (PDF - 351k)

Submission 72 for Future Drought Fund View full list

A submission from the Australian Fodder Industry Association. July 2023. Productivity Commission Enquiry – Future Drought Fund (Interim Report). 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ABOUT US 3. BACKGROUND 5. RESPONSE TO INTERIM REPORT 8. 3.

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

Australian Land Conservation Alliance (ALCA) (PDF - 379k)

Submission 78 for Future Drought Fund View full list

Commissioners Joanne Chong &Malcolm Roberts. Future Drought Fund Inquiry. Productivity Commission. Online submission; cc: 11 July 2023. Dear Commissioners,. RE: Submission to the Interim Report of the Future Drought

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

Southern NSW Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub (PDF - 295k)

Submission 74 for Future Drought Fund View full list

Southern NSW Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub . Submission on the . Productivity Commission’s . Interim Report of the Review of Part 3 of the Future Drought Fund Act. Introduction

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

AgForce Queensland (PDF - 229k)

Submission 66 for Future Drought Fund View full list

A D V A N C I N G S U S T A I N A B L E A G R I B U S I N E S S. Ref: MG/SF/GG23037. 11 July 2023. Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA ACT 2601 By Email: Dear Ms Chong &Mr Roberts. Re: Future Drought Fund

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

Rural Economies Centre Excellence (RECoE) (PDF - 228k)

Submission 63 for Future Drought Fund View full list

Commissioners Joanne Chong and Malcolm Roberts Australian Government Productivity Commission Response to the Review of Part 3 of the Future Drought Fund Act – Interim report Dear Commissioners, The Rural Economies Centre of Excellence (RECoE) is a

Date received: 11 Jul 2023

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