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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Hurriyet Babacan and Allan Dale (PDF - 188k)

Submission 58 for Future Drought Fund View full list

Prof Hurriyet Babacan, PhD. 7 July 2023. Commissioners. Productivity Commission Submitted on line. Dear Commissioners. Re: Interim report findings on the Future Drought Fund Thank you for your interim report on the Future Drought Fund. We are

Date received: 8 Jul 2023

Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care (PDF - 135k)

Submission 161 for Early Childhood Education And Care View full list

OFFICIAL. T/ 08 7322 7034 E/ GPO Box 11025, Adelaide SA 5001. Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into the early childhood education and care sector - June 2023

Date received: 5 Jul 2023

Playgroup Australia (PDF - 369k)

Submission 160 for Early Childhood Education And Care View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care. Submission from Playgroup Australia. July 2023. 2. 1. Overview Playgroup Australia is pleased to contribute to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into early childhood

Date received: 5 Jul 2023

3arc Social (PDF - 225k)

Submission 272 for Philanthropy View full list

Review of Philanthropy:. Trends and Motivations for Giving in Australia A report prepared by 3arc Social to assist in the work of the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into philanthropic giving in Australia. July 2023. 3arc Social. W:

Date received: 5 Jul 2023

Community Foundations Australia (CFA) and Philanthropy Australia (PA) (PDF - 1340k)

Submission 273 for Philanthropy View full list

The opportunity to grow Australia's community foundation network: A strategic roadmap. Joint Submission from Community Foundations Australia and Philanthropy Australia to the Productivity Commission’s Philanthropy Inquiry | July 2023. How

Date received: 5 Jul 2023

The Mulloon Institute (TMI) (PDF - 231k)

Submission 57 for Future Drought Fund View full list

3585 Kings Highway, Bungendore NSW 2621 PO Box 126 E 3 July 2023. Page 1 of 4. To Whom it may concern,. RE: Productivity Commission Review of Part 3 of the Future Drought Act Interim Report

Date received: 3 Jul 2023

Department for Education Children and Young People Tasmania (PDF - 555k)

Submission 159 for Early Childhood Education And Care View full list

Department for Education, Children and Young People. Productivity Commission. Inquiry into the Early. Childhood Education and. Care Sector (June 2023). TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT. SUBMISSION. TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT. SUBMISSION. Department for Education,

Date received: 30 Jun 2023

NSW Government (PDF - 446k)

Submission 158 for Early Childhood Education And Care View full list

NSW Government submission Productivity Commission Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care. Introduction High-quality ECEC helps children, especially those experiencing disadvantage, to build the cognitive and socioemotional skills necessary

Date received: 29 Jun 2023

Val McWhae (PDF - 80k)

Submission 11 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

What issues are important to you. • A plan built on evidence and real life experience by those that live in the basin. • A plan that focuses on outcomes, not volumes. • A plan whose outcomes give equal weighting to the Environmental, Economic.

Date received: 27 Jun 2023

Ron McWhae (PDF - 108k)

Submission 10 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

Subject: Demand for Immediate Action to Save the Murray Darling Basin. Dear Members of the Review Committee,. We write to you today with a sense of urgency and a demand for immediate action to rescue the. deteriorating state of the Murray Darling

Date received: 27 Jun 2023

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