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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Farm Animal Rescue (PDF - 138k)

Submission 46 for Philanthropy View full list

Farm Animal Rescue Inc. 1713 Dayboro Road, Dayboro QLD 4521. ABN: 12 960 709 467. Charity No: CH2615. SUBMISSION: Philanthropy. About Farm Animal Rescue Farm Animal Rescue is a registered charity that operates a 55 acre

Date received: 18 Apr 2023

Killki Salazar (PDF - 56k)

Submission 45 for Philanthropy View full list

Charities with DGR status should be able to engage in a-political policy advocacy. Notionally a charity (including a charity with DGR status) can promote or oppose particular laws or policies, provided they don’t promote or oppose particular

Date received: 18 Apr 2023

Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) (PDF - 185k)

Submission 55 for Future Drought Fund View full list

1. OFFICIAL. OFFICIAL. Lead agency: Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. Submission endorsed: Minister for Agriculture, The Hon. Gayle Tierney MP. Date: 14/04/2023. Victorian Government submission to the Productivity Commission

Date received: 18 Apr 2023

Academy of Root Development (Australia) Incorporated (PDF - 53k)

Submission 43 for Philanthropy View full list

Information request 7 Consumer information on the effectiveness of not-for-profit. organisations. We are a small NFP NGO registered as an Incorporated Association in NSW, with Deductible Gift Recipient and Charitable Organisation status. We work

Date received: 17 Apr 2023

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN Australia) (PDF - 171k)

Submission 44 for Philanthropy View full list

PO Box 1379 61 3 9023 1958. Carlton VIC 3053 Australia ABN: 96 291 421 937. 17th April 2023. Submission to the Productivity Commission Review of Philanthropy. Many thanks for the opportunity to contribute to this

Date received: 17 Apr 2023

Steven Deng (PDF - 150k)

Submission 42 for Philanthropy View full list

Communities built on philanthropy are bedrocks of social cohesion. Historically, institutions such as RSLs and Rotary Clubs were centres of community identity. They provided an outlet for generosity, a space for altruistic activity, and a place

Date received: 16 Apr 2023

Soroush Jamali Pour (PDF - 59k)

Submission 40 for Philanthropy View full list

The nonprofit sector in Australia accomplishes a great deal of good, yet it has the potential to achieve significantly more. There are several constraints impacting the Australian nonprofit sector, and I would like to submit a proposal addressing

Date received: 14 Apr 2023

Michael Townsend (PDF - 133k)

Submission 36 for Philanthropy View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Introduction DGR status is not available to most charities working to reduce the risk of catastrophic disasters and the most effective animal welfare charities, which puts Australia behind when it comes to

Date received: 14 Apr 2023

Grace Adams (PDF - 155k)

Submission 39 for Philanthropy View full list

Many young Australians, including many of my close friends and peers, feel more isolated than ever. In years gone by, institutions like Rotary Clubs or other community organisations used to play a role in providing that sense of belonging and a

Date received: 14 Apr 2023

Peter Slattery (PDF - 99k)

Submission 37 for Philanthropy View full list

To Whom It May Concern, I have donated to, and worked with, local philanthropic and community groups for several years. My submission discusses four areas:. 1) Expanding DGR status to high impact cause areas which concern many Australians (2.ii, 3.ii

Date received: 14 Apr 2023

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