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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) (PDF - 661k)

Submission 24 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARENTS AUSTRALIA. SUBMISSION. Productivity Commission’s Review of the National Policy. Initiatives and the Measurement Framework under the. National School Reform Agreement. 17 June 2022. Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA) -

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) (PDF - 199k)

Submission 14 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Document Name | Version # 2. Submission to Productivity Commission’s Review. of the National School Reform Agreement Executive Summary. For over 25 years, the Centre for Community Child Health has worked collaboratively with families, communities,.

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Australian Constructors Association (ACA) (PDF - 1040k)

Submission 73 for Productivity Inquiry (2023) View full list

Australian Constructors Association. Submission to the Productivity Commission 2022. CONTENTS. Introduction. 1. Challenges. 2. Solutions. 6. Case Studies. 8. Appendices. 9. Australian Constructors Association | Submission to the Productivity

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Save the Children (PDF - 572k)

Submission 23 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

17 June 2022. Michael Brennan Chair, Productivity Commission Via online submission portal. Dear Chair,. Review of the National School Reform Agreement – Save the Children’s submission. The National School Reform Agreement (NSRA) sets the

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Speech Pathology Australia (PDF - 133k)

Submission 11 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

National School Reform Agreement Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St. East Melbourne Vic 8003 Submitted electronically: To whom it may concern,. Thank you

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

National Mental Health Commission (PDF - 310k)

Submission 26 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

National Mental Health Commission June 2022. Review of the National School Reform Agreement. National Mental Health Commission • Review of the National School Reform Agreement. 2. Review of the National School Reform Agreement. Academic outcomes

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA) (PDF - 439k)

Submission 4 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia | AHISA Ltd | ABN 99 006 107 124 Unit 123, 20 Anzac Park, Campbell ACT 2612. 61 2 6247 7300 | | 17 June 2022. National School Reform Agreement Productivity

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

Australian Parents Council (APC) (PDF - 284k)

Submission 8 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Submission for the 2022 Productivity Commission Review into the National School Reform Agreement. The Australian Parents Council (APC) thanks the Productivity Commission for the opportunity to participate in this. review and puts forth the following

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

National School Resourcing Board (PDF - 391k)

Submission 22 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

Dear Mr Brennan, Dr Roberts, and Ms Siegel-Brown. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National School Reform. Agreement. The National School Resourcing Board (‘the Board’) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission. to

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

The Smith Family (PDF - 250k)

Submission 29 for National School Reform Agreement View full list

1. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National School Reform Agreement. June 2022. Contact Anne Hampshire Head of Research and Advocacy The Smith Family GPO Box 10500 SYDNEY NSW 2001. ygoss. Cross-Out. PRODUCTIVITY

Date received: 17 Jun 2022

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