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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Karyn Cullen and Enid Cullen (PDF - 157k)

Submission 14 for Aged Care Employment View full list

Submission. to Productivity Commission Study into Indirect employment in aged care. BY: Karyn Cullen and Enid Cullen. ROLES: Carer and care recipient both at home and in aged care (in respite). BASIS FOR SUBMISSION: Our personal experience with both

Date received: 28 Apr 2022

Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union (QNMU) (PDF - 252k)

Submission 10 for Aged Care Employment View full list

1. Submission to. Productivity Commission. April 2022. Response to Indirect employment in aged care Issues Paper. 2. Contents. Introduction. 3. Background. 4. Summary of recommendations. 4. Aged care reform rather than just change. 5. Workforce. 6.

Date received: 28 Apr 2022

Self Employed Australia (PDF - 395k)

Submission 11 for Aged Care Employment View full list

1. CONSUMER FIRST. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s examination of whether ‘direct employment’should be prescribed as the method. of worker engagement in the aged care sector April 2022. Content 1. Background to this submission.

Date received: 28 Apr 2022

Victorian Government (PDF - 634k)

Submission 97 for Housing And Homelessness Agreement Review View full list

OFFICIAL. Productivity Commission Housing and Homelessness Agreement Review Victorian Government Submission – March 2022. Contents Overview. 2 Importance of social and affordable housing. 3 Victorian context. 5 The housing and homelessness

Date received: 28 Apr 2022

Australian Council of Deans of Health Sciences (ACDHS) (PDF - 162k)

Submission 9 for Aged Care Employment View full list

Australian Council of Deans of Health Sciences, GPO Box 2471 Adelaide 5000 E: W: INDIRECT EMPLOYMENT IN AGED CARE: Productivity Commission Issues Paper March 2022. The Australian Council of Deans of

Date received: 27 Apr 2022

Aged Care Workforce Industry Council (PDF - 247k)

Submission 8 for Aged Care Employment View full list

1. The Aged Care Workforce Industry Council’s (the Council’s) Aged Care Employment Submission to. the Productivity Commission. Question – page 12:. For the purposes of the study, the Commission proposes to focus primarily on the use of.

Date received: 27 Apr 2022

Carers NSW (PDF - 152k)

Submission 7 for Aged Care Employment View full list

27 April 2022. Jenny Price Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Productivity Commission on Aged Care Employment. Carers NSW welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the Productivity

Date received: 27 Apr 2022

Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) supplementary submission (PDF - 153k)

Submission 72 for Australia's Maritime Logistics System View full list

1. Maritime Union of Australia. Supplementary submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Australia’s Maritime. Logistics System. 14 April 2022. In our main submission to the Inquiry, the MUA quoted some concerning information on

Date received: 26 Apr 2022

Dementia Australia (PDF - 162k)

Submission 6 for Aged Care Employment View full list

Improving the quality of aged care through education and registration. A submission to the Australian Government Productivity Commission Enquiry into Aged Care Employment. 26 April 2022. Page 1 of 9 © Dementia Australia. This page is left blank

Date received: 26 Apr 2022

Universities Australia (PDF - 1063k)

Submission 70 for Productivity Inquiry (2023) View full list

UNIVERSITIES AUSTRALIA SUBMISSION. SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO PRODUCTIVITY MARCH 2022. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Further inquiries should be made to the Chief

Date received: 26 Apr 2022

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