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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Robyn Monro Miller (PDF - 70k)

Submission 745 for Mental Health View full list

Response to Draft Report on Mental Health. Productivity Commission January 2019. Robyn Monro Miller. President, International Play Association Board Member, Play Australia. The draft report on Mental Health does not make any reference to the

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Peter Altmeier-Mort (PDF - 137k)

Submission 1079 for Mental Health View full list

As a professional teacher and lecturer in the private and government sectors for over 35 years at all levels (primary, secondary, and tertiary), I have seen and experienced the outcomes of many approaches to student care and well-being, especially

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Mitchell Wright (PDF - 52k)

Submission 967 for Mental Health View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission. Enquiry into Mental Health. Regarding Section 17.1 - Mental health and wellbeing in the first three years of life. First, a bit about me. My name is Mitchell Wright, I have a 4 year old daughter, with plans

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Richard Burnell (PDF - 233k)

Submission 757 for Mental Health View full list

RE: PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO MENTAL HEALTH. The information in the following article NEEDS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE INQUIRY. As part of this inquiry the current system of using drugs to treat mental illness also needs to be thoroughly

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Peter Clement (PDF - 73k)

Submission 1003 for Mental Health View full list

22 Jan 2020 To: The Productivity Commissioners, Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health Dear Sirs, I have previously made a submission regarding this Inquiry, however, I may have had some incorrect data interpretation regarding the draft

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Nicolas Broadhurst (PDF - 406k)

Submission 981 for Mental Health View full list

Mandatory Mental Health Screening. 0 – 3 year olds. SUBMISSION ABOUT PROPOSED LEGISLATION. The Bill proposes that all children aged 0 to 3 years old get screened. for mental health disorders. The so-called testing is by questions,. like, does your

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Peter Baker (PDF - 51k)

Submission 1022 for Mental Health View full list

Dear Sir/Madam, This is in relation to the ‘Prevention &Early intervention’topic. Having been a parent I know the stress and concerns that can affect parents in relation to the raising of children but this is part and parcel of being a parent,

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

The Centre for Excellence in Child Family Welfare (PDF - 136k)

Submission 862 for Mental Health View full list

Level 5, 50 Market Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia T 03 9614 1577 F 03 9614 1774. Find us on Twitter and Facebook @CFECFW 23 January 2020 Dear Commissioners Re: Productivity Commission, Mental Health, Draft Report The

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Ria Elmagic (PDF - 107k)

Submission 901 for Mental Health View full list

Mental Health Draft Report (Oct 2019) Written Submission. 1. GPs, nurses, occupational therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists and any other relevant professionals supporting mental health consumers to be educated not only in contemporary

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

Stephen Gladwin (PDF - 216k)

Submission 837 for Mental Health View full list

Dear Commissioners,. I write as a concerned citizen and taxpayer about the very clear issues in mental health and what. appear to be a complete lack of results so far despite the many millions of dollars seemingly spent in. the area that were

Date received: 23 Jan 2020

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