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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Ronald Wong (PDF - 33k)

Submission 540 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Productivity Commission,. I do not agree with your draft recommendations ( to eliminate DGR status for religious charities and schools. Such recommendations smacks of bias against the

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

Nicholas Hadges (PDF - 61k)

Submission 413 for Philanthropy View full list

As person of faith, the opportunity to serve and support others in the community is very important. Giving to charities or volunteering is what is at the heart of any faith community and having the DGR status has helped to encourage and motivate

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

Nerida Gallagher (PDF - 58k)

Submission 545 for Philanthropy View full list

7 February 2024 Dear Commissioners, I am very concerned about the draft proposal to take SRE and SU out of DGR status. I am a SRE teacher across four primary schools and a board member of a local committee of churches supporting high school SRE in

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

Joy Koeck (PDF - 67k)

Submission 543 for Philanthropy View full list

Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR) It is with dismay that I write to you concerning the recommendation to remove tax deductibility for donations made to religious charities in support of SRE. I believe the presence of SRE in our schools is vital to

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

Alison Blake (PDF - 66k)

Submission 535 for Philanthropy View full list

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to this Draft Report. Although the Draft Report recognises the invaluable contribution of philanthropy in Australia &signals the government’s desire to double philanthropic giving by 2030, the only

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

Darlene Richard (PDF - 54k)

Submission 537 for Philanthropy View full list

6 February 2024. For the attention of: The Hon. Prue Car, MP. Deputy Premier, Minister for Education and Early Learning. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Federal Productivity. Commission Draft Report, recommending removing tax

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

Thomas Barrett (PDF - 95k)

Submission 399 for Philanthropy View full list

7 Feb 2024. Philanthropy inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Draft report – Future foundations for giving I am writing in response to the recently published draft report and its proposals to redefine which

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

David Wainwright (PDF - 142k)

Submission 533 for Philanthropy View full list

Submission to Productivity Commission on Philanthropy. Maintain the DGR status of organisations that provide. religious education in government schools. Closing 9 February 2024. Dear Commission. I've taken the time to read your Overview Report, so I

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

Kinma School (PDF - 18k)

Submission 424 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Sir/Madam,. We at Kinma Primary, a small school with a tight-knit community of up to 100 primary students, are writing to express our concern regarding the recommendation in the "Future Foundations for Giving" draft report to remove Deductible

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

Greg Booth (PDF - 469k)

Submission 530 for Philanthropy View full list

G W Booth. Solicitor Greg Booth, LL. M. (Hons.) Notary Public ABN 26 582 849 147 Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. The Presiding Commissioner Philanthropy Inquiry Productivity Commission MELBOURNE VIC.

Date received: 7 Feb 2024

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