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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Swan Christian College (PDF - 231k)

Submission 513 for Philanthropy View full list

Swan Christian College WISDOM IS OF GOD. 381 Great Northern Highway, Middle Swan WA 6056 PO Box 1516 Midland WA 6936. PHONE 61 8 9374 8300 EM AIL WEB Productivity Commission Two Melbourne Quarter Level 8/697

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

Tony Bretherton (PDF - 131k)

Submission 390 for Philanthropy View full list

5 February 2024. The Productivity Commission. Re The Draft Report : Future Foundations for Giving, released 30 November 2023. The Recommendation: the withdrawal of deductible gift recipient status to Building Funds in primary and secondary schools.

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

Regional Education Commissioner (PDF - 113k)

Submission 188 for Early Childhood Education And Care View full list

The Hon Fiona Nash Regional Education Commissioner GPO Box 9880 CANBERRA ACT 2601. 6 February 2024. Early Childhood Education and Care Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East MELBOURNE VIC 8003. Dear Commissioner Gropp, Commissioner

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

Community Industry Group (PDF - 217k)

Submission 391 for Philanthropy View full list

29th January 2024 PO Box 6 Lake Heights NSW. 2502. P: (02) 4256 4333 Philanthropy Inquiry ABN 95 589 148 519 Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Online submission: Productivity

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

Steven Merriel (PDF - 29k)

Submission 448 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Productivity Commission,. I am Steven Merriel, a Victorian resident with a background in corporate governance, management, and leadership. I have considerable experience volunteering for various charities and have had the privilege of sitting

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

Mitchell Laughlin (PDF - 36k)

Submission 517 for Philanthropy View full list

Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on the Commission’s draft report. My name is Mitchell. I’m 23, a graduate of the University of Queensland, a resident of the electoral division of Grayndler, and currently working at the

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

KPMG (PDF - 165k)

Submission 190 for Early Childhood Education And Care View full list

kpmg. ABN: 51 194 660 183 Level 38, International Towers Three 300 Barangaroo Avenue Sydney NSW 2000 P O Box H67 Australia Square Sydney NSW 1213 Australia. Telephone: 61 2 9335 7621 Facsimile: 61 2 9335 7001 DX: 1056 Sydney © 2023

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

Anglicans Schools Commission Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn (PDF - 309k)

Submission 449 for Philanthropy View full list

CANBERRA AND GOULBURN ANGLICAN SCHOOLS COMMISSION Please address all correspondence to: LEVEL 4 GPO BOX 1981 221 LONDON CIRCUIT CANBERRA, ACT 2601 CANBERRA CITY, ACT T (02) 6245 7101 F (02) 6245 7199. Philanthropy inquiry Productivity Commission GPO

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

OneSchool Global Australia (PDF - 154k)

Submission 526 for Philanthropy View full list

1 OneSchool Global 06.02.2024. SUBMISSION. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION: DRAFT REPORT FUTURE FOUNDATIONS FOR GIVING. SCHOOL BUILDING FUNDS. Submission made by: Mark McAlpin, OneSchool Global Managing Director. Contact details:.

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

PA Research Foundation (PDF - 223k)

Submission 516 for Philanthropy View full list

The University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia. T 61 7 3365 2206 F 61 7 3365 1454. E W ABN: 63 942 912 684 CRICOS PROVIDER NUMBER 00025B. Future Foundations for Giving Productivity Commission. 6 February 2024. Coordinating

Date received: 6 Feb 2024

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