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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Gabby Milgate (PDF - 180k)

Submission 183 for Early Childhood Education And Care View full list

Date: 19/01/2024. Early Learning Services are capable of becoming an engine that drives the communities’broader sustainability goals. Summary: ELEC services are required to respect the rights of children and need transition to ecologically

Date received: 19 Jan 2024

Ross Crutcher (PDF - 41k)

Submission 283 for Philanthropy View full list

18th January 2024. Ross Crutcher. Attention: Karen Godfrey. Dear Karen,. RE: Productivity Commission 'Future foundations for giving' draft report. The Productivity Commission's 'Future foundations for giving' has captured my attention and I am urged

Date received: 18 Jan 2024

Emmanuel College (PDF - 158k)

Submission 284 for Philanthropy View full list

Emmanuel College submission to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report - Future. Foundations for Giving. Introduction. The Productivity Commission’s draft report into Philanthropy – Future Foundations for. Giving – has provided a range of

Date received: 17 Jan 2024

Andrew Ranten (PDF - 90k)

Submission 278-043 for Philanthropy View full list

17th January 2024. Dear Commissioners,. RE: Productivity Commission – ‘Future Foundations for Giving’Draft Report. As a grandfather of children at an Independent School, I am greatly concerned regarding. parts of the Draft Report from the

Date received: 17 Jan 2024

Richard Bagshaw (PDF - 87k)

Submission 278-051 for Philanthropy View full list

17 January 2024. RE: Productivity Commission Report - Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Status. ATTN: Karen Godfrey. Dear Karen. I am writing to you with great concern regarding the recommendations in the report that. DGR status be removed for private

Date received: 17 Jan 2024

Paul Phillips (PDF - 33k)

Submission 278-050 for Philanthropy View full list

17th January, 2024. Dear Karen,. RE: Product Commission ‘Future foundations for giving’draft report. I have read the draft report as it’s recommendations will impact our family. While some of the findings and recommendations are good, I am

Date received: 17 Jan 2024

Jason Colledge (PDF - 23k)

Submission 278-053 for Philanthropy View full list

To Whom it may concern. Re: Productivity Commission ‘Future foundations for giving’Draft Report I have looked over the draft report with some interest, and believe there are some good recommendations, but I am concerned about the recommendations

Date received: 17 Jan 2024

Nelson Garrett (PDF - 54k)

Submission 278-037 for Philanthropy View full list

Dear Commissioners,. Thankyou for opening the Draft Report for comment. The effect of undermining the fabric of society in the proposed scrapping of Tax Deductible Giving. (DGRs) for Private or Christian schools is of great concern, and should be

Date received: 17 Jan 2024

Harvey Edmonds (PDF - 21k)

Submission 278-042 for Philanthropy View full list

To whom it may concern, RE: Productivity Commission ‘Future foundations for giving’draft report I have read the draft report with interest. Whilst there are some good findings and recommendations, I am concerned about the recommendations for

Date received: 17 Jan 2024

Pierre Buchner (PDF - 56k)

Submission 278-038 for Philanthropy View full list

To whom it may concern, RE: PROUCTIVITY COMMISSION ‘FUTURE FOUNDATIONS FOR GIVING’DRAFT REPORT The simple but concerning reason for penning this note is the recommendations for deductable gift recipient (DRG) status to be scrapped. The impact

Date received: 17 Jan 2024

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