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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

CSIRO (PDF - 186k)

Submission 113 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

CSIRO submission to the Productivity Commission: Interim report on the Murray- Darling Basin Plan Implementation Review 2023. CSIRO Submission 23/856. November 2023. Main Submission Author:. Dr Carmel Pollino. Research Director, CSIRO Environment.

Date received: 17 Nov 2023

Ricegrowers' Association of Australia (RGA) (PDF - 370k)

Submission 105 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

RGA Submission – Productivity Commission Basin Plan Review – Interim Report Page 1 of 6. Australian Government – Productivity Commission (PC). Basin Plan Review – Interim Report. RGA Submission – November 2023. Introduction:. Thank you for

Date received: 17 Nov 2023

Jill Mullins (PDF - 441k)

Submission 184 for Early Childhood Education And Care View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission. Assessment and Rating. As an early years educator and owner of multiple centres, having been in the sector for decades, I wish to express my concern for the current process of assessment and ratings by the

Date received: 17 Nov 2023

Queensland Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) (PDF - 223k)

Submission 112 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

OFFICIAL-PUBLIC EXTERNAL Page 1. Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water. Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water response to the Productivity Commission 2023 Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Implementation review

Date received: 17 Nov 2023

Victorian Aboriginal Children and Young People’s Alliance (VACYPA) (PDF - 213k)

Submission 100 for Closing The Gap Review View full list

Productivity Commission Close the Gap Report – Memo. To Commissioners Mokak and Siegel- Brown. Date 16th November 2023. From Dana Pyne, Executive Manager VACYPA. Deadline for action. N/A. Objective Provision of advice following an online

Date received: 16 Nov 2023

Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC) (PDF - 305k)

Submission 97 for Closing The Gap Review View full list

November 2023. Learnings from Health Equity. Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council submission to Productivity Commission. QAIHC submission to Productivity Commission | Learnings from Health Equity Reforms 2. SUBMISSION. Health Equity. ©

Date received: 16 Nov 2023

Professor Sarah Wheeler; Professor Quentin Grafton; Professor Jeff Connor and Professor John Quiggin (PDF - 322k)

Submission 104 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

Nov 16th 2023. 1. COMMENT ON THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION’S MURRAY-DARLING BASIN PLAN: IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW 2023. Professor Sarah Wheeler1, Professor Quentin Grafton2, Professor Jeff Connor3 and Professor John Quiggin4. 1. School of Economics and

Date received: 16 Nov 2023

NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peaks (NSW CAPO) (PDF - 270k)

Submission 77 for Closing The Gap Review View full list

NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peaks (NSW CAPO) represents the interests of Aboriginal. Community Controlled Organisations and Aboriginal Peoples of NSW. We provide a strong,. independent and coordinated voice to address issues affecting Aboriginal

Date received: 15 Nov 2023

First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) (PDF - 457k)

Submission 95 for Closing The Gap Review View full list

13 November 2023 Australian Government Productivity Commission. Re: Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to. the Review of the National Agreement

Date received: 14 Nov 2023

SNAICC (PDF - 350k)

Submission 96 for Closing The Gap Review View full list

1. SNAICC SUBMISSION ON THE. REVIEW OF THE NATIONAL. AGREEMENT ON CLOSING THE. GAP DRAFT REPORT. October 2023. 2. Contents. About SNAICC. 3. Self-Determination. 3. Introduction. 4. General comments. 5. Draft recommendations. 6. Information requests.

Date received: 13 Nov 2023

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