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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Robert Campbell (PDF - 39k)

Submission 29 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

Thankyou for the opportunity to comment on the MDBP. I have Property in the Murray Valley that was once highly productive before the Government implemented the Murray Darling Basin Plan. The plan has been delivered from the top down with assumptions

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

Summerfruit SA (PDF - 65k)

Submission 30 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

SUMMERFRUIT SA. MURRAY DARLING BASIN PLAN. PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSON IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW. July 2023. SUBMISSION FROM SUMMERFRUIT SA. INTRODUCTION. Summerfruit SA is the State’s peak commodity group for the fresh market stone fruit industry. It

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

Goulburn Valley Environment Group (GVEG) (PDF - 128k)

Submission 28 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

The Goulburn Valley Environment Group Inc. Po Box 2073 Shepparton Vic 3632 Ph. 0418620377. e-mail: 27/7//2023. Productivity Commission. Murray-Darling Basin Plan Implementation review 2023. Goulburn Valley Environment Group

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

Barrie MacMillan (PDF - 185k)

Submission 45 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

Productivity Commission MDBP 5 Year Review 2023 (B MacMillan 31.07.23) 1. SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023. I appreciate the opportunity to provide a submission to the Productivity

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

Central Irrigation Trust (CIT) (PDF - 168k)

Submission 33 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

CENTRAL IRRIGATION TRUST Trustee: Central Irrigation Pty. Ltd. ACN 075 446 810 4 Fowles Street PO Box 34 Barmera SA 5345 Telephone 08 8580 7100 Fax 08 8588 2001. Managers of the grower owned. Berri, Cadell, Chaffey, Cobdogla, Golden Heights, Kingston

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

Dugald and Justine Bucknell (PDF - 33k)

Submission 66 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

QUAMBONE PASTORAL CO. PTY LTD Quambone Station. QUAMBONE NSW 2831. 29th July 2023. Productivity Commission Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Five Year Assessment. Dear Commissioners,. I wish to thank you for the consultative meeting in Warren on 19th July

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

Fruit Growers Victoria (FGV) (PDF - 319k)

Submission 44 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

Murray Darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023. Fruit Growers Victoria Ltd Submission. Fruit Growers Victoria (FGV) is a member-based organisation representing apple, pear and. stonefruit growers and packing sheds in Victoria. Our industry

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

NRM Regions Australia (PDF - 692k)

Submission 36 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

UNOFFICIAL. NRM Regions Australia welcomes this opportunity to contribute to the discussion on the ongoing implementa on of the Murray Darling Basin Plan (the Plan) and measures to support the health and prosperity of Basin environments and communi

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

Campaspe Shire (PDF - 199k)

Submission 49 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

Submission. Campaspe ShLre Coundl. Cnr Hare &Heygarth Streets. Echuca VIC 3564. PO Box 35. Echuca VIC 3564. P: 1300 666 535. 03 5481 2200. E: ABN 23 604 881 620. To the Australian Government

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

Kate Chipperfield (PDF - 954k)

Submission 56 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 View full list

1 K Chipperfield. Submission to the Productivity Commission Murray– Darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023 30 July 2023. Tell me in a nutshell The Basin Plan is unfortunately not fully implemented. Much of this comes down to significant

Date received: 31 Jul 2023

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