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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

John Petty (PDF - 187k)

Submission DR302 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

RECEIVED. 2 7 SEP 2016 PO Box 52 Holland Park Q 4121. 19th September 2016. The Officer-in- Charge. Regulation of Agriculture. Productivity Commission. Locked Bag 2. Collins Street East. Melbourne Vic 8003. Dear Sir/Madam. GM Food Labelling and

Date received: 27 Sep 2016

Consumer Action Law Centre, Berrill and Watson Lawyers and the Chronic Illness Alliance (PDF - 424k)

Submission DR114 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

SUPERANNUATION COMPETITIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY. Submission to the Productivity Commission on the Superannuation. Competitiveness and Efficiency Draft Report. This Submission is a joint submission of:. -the Consumer Action Law Centre, a

Date received: 27 Sep 2016

MLC (PDF - 491k)

Submission DR115 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

SUBMISSION. Productivity Commission Issues Paper: Superannuation Efficiency and Competitiveness. NAB (via the MLC wealth arm), September 2016. Superannuation. Productivity Commission. BY EMAIL:

Date received: 27 Sep 2016

Anthony Bongers (PDF - 44k)

Submission DR301 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Anthony Bongers (Tony) PO Box 6 Jambin Q 4702. Attention: Productivity Commission. My name is Tony Bongers and I have been broadacre farming at Jambin in Central Queensland for more than 45 years, mainly dryland cropping with some irrigation,

Date received: 25 Sep 2016

CHOICE (PDF - 440k)

Submission DR113 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

SEPTEMBER 2016. SUPERANNUATION COMPETITIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY. Submission to the Productivity Commission on. the Superannuation Competitiveness and. Efficiency Draft Report. About us. Set up by consumers for consumers, CHOICE is the consumer

Date received: 23 Sep 2016

Tony Kemna (PDF - 40k)

Submission DR68 for Marine Fisheries And Aquaculture View full list

My name it Tony Kemna i have operated a fishing charter out from Lakes Entrance for the past ten years I also have an Victorian ocean access license and commonwealth permits. I would like to make some key points on my submission. The charter boat

Date received: 22 Sep 2016

Equestrian Australia (PDF - 53k)

Submission DR299 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

I understand that the Productivity Commission's current enquiry into regulation in the Australian agricultural sector is concerned with farm safety. I am a spokesperson for Equestrian Australia, which has made a submission to the NSW Workcover draft

Date received: 21 Sep 2016

Mallee Track Health and Community Service (PDF - 110k)

Submission DR86 for Education Evidence Base View full list

Mallee Track Health &Community Service 28 Britt Street (PO Box 130) OUYEN VIC 3490. Phone: 03 5092 1111 Fax: 03 5092 1177 ABN 43 518 931 864 Email: Tuesday 20th September, 2016. To whom it may concern,. Mallee Track Health

Date received: 21 Sep 2016

Rice Warner (PDF - 611k)

Submission DR112 for Superannuation Competitiveness And Efficiency View full list

ANZ Banking Group Limited

Date received: 21 Sep 2016

Grazing BestPrac (PDF - 734k)

Submission DR296 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Grazing BestPrac Submission to the Productivity Commission - Agricultural regulation. page 1. Mr Paul Lindwall, Presiding Commissioner Regulation of Australian Agriculture Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003

Date received: 20 Sep 2016

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