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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (PDF - 698k)

Submission DR114 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

1. CFMEU submission into the Productivity Commission’s Migrant Intake into Australia - Draft Report. 2. Table of Contents. 1. Introduction. 3. 2. The Australian economy is slowing. 6. 3. Temporary work visas. 7. 3.1 Temporary work visas as a

Date received: 23 Dec 2015

United WHY (PDF - 265k)

Submission DR94 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

VULNERABILITIES OF WORKING. HOLIDAY MAKERS AND POLICY. RECOMMENDATIONS. DECEMBER 2015 Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry on Migrant Intake into Australia by United WHY. UNITED WHY United Working Holiday Makers in Australia. HKWHY HONG

Date received: 21 Dec 2015

Multicultural Development Association (PDF - 460k)

Submission DR112 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

1. Submission on the. Productivity Commission’s. Draft report: Migrant Intake. into Australia. 18 December 2015. The Multicultural Development Association (MDA) is committed to building a flourishing. multicultural Queensland in which people from

Date received: 21 Dec 2015

Debbie Black (PDF - 75k)

Submission DR121 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Submission to Migrant Intake into Australia Via email migrant To whom it may Concern. I do not support higher migrant intake levels for several reasons. Strong population growth does not automatically result in success and.

Date received: 19 Dec 2015

Lorraine Lister (PDF - 22k)

Submission DR117 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

A SUBMISSION TO THE PROCTIVITY COMMISSION REGARDING THE AUSTRALIAN IMMIGATION INTAKE Australia has invited large numbers of migrants into our country for many years &since the election of Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister in 2007 this intake was vastly

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

Sheila Davis (PDF - 79k)

Submission DR123 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

18th December, 2015. Migrant Intake into Australia Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Submission to Productivity Commission. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the migrant intake to

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

Sustainable Population Party (PDF - 514k)

Submission DR106 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Page 1 of 4 Sustainable Population Party. Sustainable Population Party (soon to be Sustainable Australia). submission. Productivity Commission review into: Migrant Intake into Australia. “You can’t grow forever in a finite world, ”Dick Smith AC

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

UnionsWA (PDF - 393k)

Submission DR107 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

1. 17 December 2015 Migrant Intake into Australia Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 Email: Dear Madam/Sir. UnionsWA response to Draft Report: Migrant Intake into Australia. UnionsWA is the

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

National Farmers' Federation (PDF - 482k)

Submission DR105 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

18 December 2015 , 1JII. National Farmers' Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 migrant.intake@pc. Dear Commissioners,. Draft Report on Migrant Intake in Australia. F E DERAT I ON. Thank you for the opportunity comment

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

Jane O'Sullivan (PDF - 295k)

Submission DR108 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

1. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry: Migrant Intake into Australia. In response to the Draft Report Jane O’Sullivan, December 2016. Figure 1. The relationship between population growth rate of nations and their change in GDP per

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

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