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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Migration Council Australia (PDF - 223k)

Submission DR111 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Dear Commissioners, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Productivity Commission’s draft report, ‘Australia’s Migrant Intake’. The Migration Council Australia welcomes the draft report as a excellent addition for immigration

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

Settlement Services International (PDF - 291k)

Submission DR109 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

1. Submission to the Productivity Commission. Migrant Intake into Australia Draft Report November 2015. Background. Settlement Services International (SSI) is a leading not-for-profit organisation providing a. range of services in the areas of

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

Leading Age Services Australia (PDF - 404k)

Submission DR110 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

The voice of aged care. Leading Age Services Australia P: 02 6230 1676 | F: 02 6230 7085 | E: First Floor, Andrew Arcade, 42 Giles Street, Kingston ACT 2604 PO Box 4774, Kingston ACT 2604. ABN: 7115 6349 594. 18th

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

NSW Government Telecommunications Authority (PDF - 319k)

Submission DR46 for Public Safety Mobile Broadband View full list

Response to Productivity. Commission Draft Report:. Public Safety Mobile. Broadband. December 2015. UNCLASSIFIED Page 2 of 15. Contents. Executive Summary. 3. Introduction. 7. Is dedicated spectrum needed for PSMB? 7. Comparison of models for the

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (PDF - 397k)

Submission DR104 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

ACTU Submission. Productivity Commission draft report into. the migrant intake in Australia. 18 December 2015. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Introduction. 2. Key points and recommendations. 3. Response to draft recommendations. 6. Response to draft findings. 14

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

Sheila Newman (PDF - 606k)

Submission DR119 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

MIGRANT INTAKE SUBMISSION from SHEILA NEWMAN, POPULATION SOCIOLOGIST. MIGRANT INTAKE SUBMISSION from SHEILA NEWMAN, POPULATION SOCIOLOGIST. 1. Opportunity to communicate. 1 Rights of citizens and rights of immigrants. 2 Protection of workers’rights

Date received: 18 Dec 2015

AMES Australia (PDF - 157k)

Submission DR100 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

Comment on Productivity Commission Draft Report: Migrant Intake into Australia. Submitted to:. Australian Government Productivity Commission. December 2015. AMES Australia response: December 2015 Comment on Productivity Commission Draft Report:

Date received: 17 Dec 2015

David Breeze (PDF - 216k)

Submission DR102 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION SUBMISSION. Productivity Commission 2015, Migrant Intake into Australia. - Draft Report, Canberra. The current draft of the Productivity commission draft report on Australia’s migration program and its potential

Date received: 17 Dec 2015

Liberal Democratic Party (PDF - 243k)

Submission DR101 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

PO Box 636, DRUMMOYNE 1470 website: email: Further Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Greater Use of Charges to Determine the Intake of Entrants to Australia. Thank you for providing the

Date received: 17 Dec 2015

Philip Lillingston (PDF - 516k)

Submission DR98 for Migrant Intake Into Australia View full list

1. Simple, Equitable and Beyond Abuse Submission #2. Migrant Intake into Australia Second submission, being in response to the Draft Report, to the Productivity Commission inquiry investigating the use of charges instead of qualitative criteria, to

Date received: 17 Dec 2015

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