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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Munich Reinsurance Company (PDF - 158k)

Submission DR136 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

inquiry disaster-funding submissions subdr136-disaster-funding.docx. Munich Holdings of Australasia Pty Limited ABN 80 000 159 651 143 Macquarie Street Sydney PO Box H35 Australia Square Sydney NSW 1215 Tel.: 61 (2) 9272 8000 Fax: 61 (2) 9251 2516

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Diamantina Shire Council (PDF - 107k)

Submission DR139 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Comments from Diamantina Shire Council Productivity Commission Draft Report - Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements. Diamantina Shire Council is a small and remote Council situated in the Channel Country of far central west Queensland. Some quick

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Great Lakes Council (PDF - 292k)

Submission DR157 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Great Lakes COUNCIL. Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003. Breese Parade Forster PO Box 450 Forster NSW 2428. phone 02 6591 7222 fax 02 6591 7200 email

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Australian Services Union (PDF - 114k)

Submission DR182 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

1. ASU Submissions To the Productivity Commission Inquiry. Natural Disaster Funding. 2014. Submitter:. Greg McLean OAM ASU Assistant, National Secretary. Organisation:. The Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union (ASU).

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Shoalhaven City Council (PDF - 157k)

Submission DR167 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

COUNCIL REFERENCE: 47606E (D14/272379) CONTACT PERSON: Ben Stewart YOUR REF:. 21/10/2014 Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East MELBOURNE VIC 8003 Email only: Dear Sir

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

IPART (PDF - 180k)

Submission DR159 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal IPART Nov South Waks. Our reference: 14/227. 21 October 2014. Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins St East MELBOURNE VIC 8003. Dear Commissioners. P() Box 0290,

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

QLD Farmers Federation (PDF - 58k)

Submission DR155 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

0 F F QUEENSLAND FARMERS' FEDERATION. 21 October 2014. QFF MEMBERS. CANEGROWERS. Cotton Australia. Growcom. Nursery &Garden Industry Queensland. Qld Chicken Growers Association. Old Dairyfarmers' Organisation. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Queensland Chicken

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Moree Plains Shire Council (PDF - 110k)

Submission DR138 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Enquiries to: Direct Line: Email: Reference:. Alice Colbran (02) 6757 3236 FILE12/3058 KEI:AC Moree Plains. Monday, 20 October 2014. Productivity Commission. To whom it may concern. Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Australian Coastal Society (PDF - 420k)

Submission DR187 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list | PO Box 65, Flinders University, Bedford Park SA 5042 . The Australian Coastal

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

Brisbane City Council (PDF - 119k)

Submission DR169 for Natural Disaster Funding View full list

Brisbane City Council ABN 72 002 765 795. Office of the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive's Office Level 23, 266 George Street Brisbane GPO Box 1434 Brisbane Old 4001 T 07 3403 8888 F 07 3334 0043 www, mmil

Date received: 21 Oct 2014

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