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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Northern Territory Government (PDF - 1044k)

Submission DR35 for Expenditure On Children In The Northern Territory View full list

Page 1 of 12. Submission by the Northern Territory Government to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report into expenditure in the area of children and family services in the Northern Territory. Page 2 of 12. Background. The Northern Territory

Date received: 13 Dec 2019

SA Department of Education (PDF - 2572k)

Submission DR198 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Dear Sir/ Madam,. Government of South Australia. Department for Education. Office of the Chief Financial Officer. 31 Flinders Street Adela ide SA 5000. GPO Box 1152 Adela ide SA 500 l DX 541. Attraction and retention of

Date received: 6 Dec 2019

Northern Territory Government (PDF - 975k)

Submission DR199 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Northern Territory. Supplementary Submission. on Remote Area Tax. Concessions and Payments. Draft Report. November 2019. November 2019 2. Northern Territory Supplementary Submission. On 10 October 2019, the Northern Territory made a submission to

Date received: 6 Dec 2019

UNSW Sydney and University of Tasmania (PDF - 134k)

Submission DR33 for Expenditure On Children In The Northern Territory View full list

UNSW SYDNEY NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA T 61 (2) 9385 1000 | F 61 (2) 9385 0000 | ABN 57 195 873 179 | CRICOS Provider Code 00098G. 19 November 2019 Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry: Expenditure on Children in the Northern Territory We

Date received: 29 Nov 2019

Queensland Government (PDF - 315k)

Submission DR197 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

i. Queensland Government Submission. Productivity Commission Draft Report – Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments. ii. © State of Queensland, 2019. The Queensland Government supports and encourages the dissemination and exchange of its

Date received: 27 Nov 2019

Kathy Bannister (PDF - 314k)

Submission DR44 for Expenditure On Children In The Northern Territory View full list

Response to the Productivity Commission draft report into Expenditure on Children in the NT. How much are governments spending on children and family services? DRAFT FINDING 2.1. Significant funds are spent on children and family services in the

Date received: 20 Nov 2019

Department of Defence (PDF - 4176k)

Submission DR196 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Australian Government. Department of Defence Defence Finance Group. 11 November 2019. Commissioners Jonathan Coppel and Paul Lindwall Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments Study Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601.

Date received: 13 Nov 2019

Aurizon (PDF - 792k)

Submission DR194 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

AURIZON. Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments Study Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Submission to the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Remote Area Tax Concessions. and Payments. 8 November 2019. Dear

Date received: 8 Nov 2019

Megan O'Neill (PDF - 73k)

Submission DR195 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Submission – remote tax 06.11.19 I read the Voice (NTAA publication) regularly and having just finished the October edition am compelled to comment on the article about Remote area tax concessions. I am absolutely appalled that the government

Date received: 6 Nov 2019

South Australian Police (SAPOL) (PDF - 297k)

Submission DR192 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list South Australia Police, GPO Box 1539, Adelaide SA 5001 ABN 93 799 021 552. Your Ref < Your Ref>. Our Ref < Our Ref>. Enquiries < Enquiries>. Telephone < Telephone>. Facsimile < Facsimile>. 30 October 2019. Jonathan Coppel.

Date received: 30 Oct 2019

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