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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

National Irrigators Council (NIC) (PDF - 834k)

Submission DR91 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Submission in response to:. Productivity Commission. draft five year review of the. Murray Darling Basin Plan 18 Sep 2018. Steve Whan. CEO, National Irrigators Council P a g e | 1. Contents Introduction. 2. Chapter 3 —

Date received: 18 Sep 2018

Brian Bycroft (PDF - 127k)

Submission DR90 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Comment on:. Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Five-year assessment – Productivity Commission Draft Report. My comments on the draft report are confined to discussion relating to management of non-salinity water quality issues, in particular the role of

Date received: 12 Sep 2018

Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) (PDF - 265k)

Submission DR127 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

SB181010. 10/10/2018. Victorian Farmers Federation Submission. Productivity Commission Inquiry – Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Five-year assessment. The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) would firstly like to thank the Productivity Commission for.

Date received: 11 Sep 2018

Ian Gillard (PDF - 100k)

Submission DR211 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Superannuation: Assessing Competitiveness and Efficiency. • what impact costs and fees have on members with low account balances, and what actions. could be undertaken – whether by funds or policy changes – to ensure that these balances. are

Date received: 28 Aug 2018

Wilson Sy (PDF - 73k)

Submission DR210 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Page 1 of 9. 12 August 2018 By email: Ms Karen Chester, Deputy Chair Productivity Commission Canberra ACT 2600 Dear Ms Chester. Re: Governance of Superannuation Funds: Inquiry into the Assessment of the Efficiency and

Date received: 12 Aug 2018

Drew - Walk and Co (PDF - 100k)

Submission DR207 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

21 June 2018 Meredith Baker Research &Inquiry Manager Productivity Commission Level 2, 4 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600. Dear Meredith,. Re: Superannuation: Efficiency and Competitiveness, Public Hearings. Thank you for the invitation to appear at

Date received: 7 Aug 2018

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (PDF - 388k)

Submission DR206 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency and Competitiveness - Productivity Commission Draft Report Submission by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. 7 August 2018. Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency and Competitiveness -

Date received: 7 Aug 2018

Salvador Valdés-Prieto (PDF - 399k)

Submission DR205 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

03 August 2018 Angela MacRae, Commissioner Productivity Commission Level 12, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000/ Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East, MELBOURNE VIC 8003 Re: Productivity Commission - Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency and

Date received: 6 Aug 2018

Phillip Hudson (PDF - 53k)

Submission DR208 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Productivity Commission. inquiry into. Australia's Superannuation System. third stage review. I have made repeated approaches to the Federal Government seeking a review to the restriction. currently applying to the Bring-Forward Rule as it applies

Date received: 3 Aug 2018

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) (PDF - 444k)

Submission DR204 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Productivity Commission draft report:. Superannuation efficiency and competitiveness. 3 August 2018. AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY 2. Disclaimer and Copyright. While APRA endeavours to ensure the quality of this publication, it does not

Date received: 3 Aug 2018

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