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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Dean, Mrs C. E. (PDF - 4k)

Submission 148 for Broadcasting View full list

Notus Downs Longreach Qld 4730. 1 August 1999. Dear Sir. Re: Broadcasting Inquiry. After seeing an article regarding same in our local paper, I would like to submit the enclosed matters with regard to our western programmes in Queensland. Hoping

Date received: 6 Aug 1999

Blacktown City Council % (PDF - 2520k)

Submission 147 for Broadcasting View full list

Date received: 5 Aug 1999

Australian Film Commission (PDF - 184k)

Submission 146 for Broadcasting View full list

Level 4, 150 William St Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011 GPO Box 3984, Sydney 2001. Telephone: (02) 9321 6402 Toll Free: 1800 22 6615 Telex: 25 157.FICOM. Facsimile: (02) 9357 3595 Email: Website: 4 August, 1999.

Date received: 5 Aug 1999

Telstra Corporation Limited % (PDF - 546k)

Submission 145 for Broadcasting View full list

Date received: 4 Aug 1999

Dr Paul Jones, University of NSW # (PDF - 119k)

Submission 143 for Broadcasting View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission. Inquiry into Broadcasting Legislation. Dr Paul Jones. School of Sociology. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. University of NSW. Sydney 2052. July 1999. Email: About the author. Paul

Date received: 2 Aug 1999

Australian Film Commission (AFC) and Film Australia Ltd (Film Australia) # (PDF - 480k)

Submission 144 for Broadcasting View full list

S U P P L E M E N T A R Y S U B M I S S I O N T O T H E P R O D U C T I V I T Y C O M M I S S I O N. R e v i e w o f B r o a d c a s t i n g L e g i s l a t i o n. Ju l y 1999. A U S T R A L I A N F I L M C O M M I S S I O N ( A F C ). F I L M A U S

Date received: 2 Aug 1999

Paynter, Tony * % (PDF - 1486k)

Submission 163 for Broadcasting View full list

Date received: 30 Jul 1999

Best FM Pty Ltd (PDF - 56k)

Submission 140 for Broadcasting View full list

From: Phil Ward Sent: 22 July 1999 14:17 To: Subject: BROADCASTING SUBMISSION. Dear Sirs,. This is a submission about possible amendments to the Broadcasting Services Act. It suggests. 1. That the

Date received: 22 Jul 1999

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