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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (PDF - 840k)

Submission 24 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

Patron : His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd). President: Mick Reid. p. 07 3004 6926 e. w. MINetworks 1800 985 944 Submission to the Productivity Commission.

Date received: 24 Aug 2018

Women with Disabilities Australia (PDF - 239k)

Submission 16 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

1. Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA). Submission to the Productivity Commission National Disability Agreement Review. August 2018. 2. Publishing Information Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA) (2018). Submission to the Productivity

Date received: 24 Aug 2018

MECFS (PDF - 495k)

Submission 23 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

ME/CFS National Disability Agreement Review Submission. 24 August, 2018. Contributors. Allie Reilly, Administrator, ME/CFS &the NDIS Facebook Group Ricky Buchanan, Not Done Living, ME/CFS NATIONAL DISABILITY AGREEMENT

Date received: 24 Aug 2018

Marie Mills (PDF - 88k)

Submission 7 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

21 August 2018 Dear Commissioner Submission to the National Disability Agreement Review July 2018 My personal experience with the NDIS has not been a positive one from the beginning. In fact, it appears that the more difficult the process is made,

Date received: 21 Aug 2018

Physical Disability Council of NSW (PDF - 196k)

Submission 8 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

1. Submission for the Productivity Commission Issues Paper. National Disability Agreement Review. August 21st 2018. Ellen Small. Physical Disability Council of NSW. 3/184 Glebe Point Road, Glebe NSW 2037. 02 9552 1606 2. Who is

Date received: 21 Aug 2018

Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA) (PDF - 369k)

Submission 6 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

1. CMHA submission on National Disability Agreement Review – Productivity Commission Issues Paper. Introduction. Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA) would like to thank the Productivity Commission (the Commission) for the opportunity to

Date received: 21 Aug 2018

David Napier (PDF - 148k)

Submission 5 for Review Of The National Disability Agreement View full list

It is obvious that there is significant inequality in disability services, the NDIS does not cover. all persons with profound disabilities, whether you have MS at 65 or 71 your needs don’t. change. It is totally wrong in fact it is discrimination

Date received: 17 Aug 2018

Wilson Sy (PDF - 73k)

Submission DR210 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Page 1 of 9. 12 August 2018 By email: Ms Karen Chester, Deputy Chair Productivity Commission Canberra ACT 2600 Dear Ms Chester. Re: Governance of Superannuation Funds: Inquiry into the Assessment of the Efficiency and

Date received: 12 Aug 2018

Drew - Walk and Co (PDF - 100k)

Submission DR207 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

21 June 2018 Meredith Baker Research &Inquiry Manager Productivity Commission Level 2, 4 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600. Dear Meredith,. Re: Superannuation: Efficiency and Competitiveness, Public Hearings. Thank you for the invitation to appear at

Date received: 7 Aug 2018

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (PDF - 388k)

Submission DR206 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency and Competitiveness - Productivity Commission Draft Report Submission by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. 7 August 2018. Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency and Competitiveness -

Date received: 7 Aug 2018