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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

First State Super (PDF - 980k)

Submission 37 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Page #. First State Super submission Superannuation: Assessing Competitiveness and Efficiency Productivity Commission Issues Paper, issued July 2017. 21 August 2017. Issued by FSS Trustee Corporation ABN 11 118 202 672 AFSL 293340. 21 August 2017.

Date received: 21 Aug 2017

Australian Super (PDF - 475k)

Submission 43 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Productivity Commission. Productivity Commission Issues Paper on Superannuation: Assessing Competitiveness and Efficiency Date: 21 August 2017. 1. Table of Contents. Executive Summary. 2. Objective 1: The superannuation system contributes to

Date received: 21 Aug 2017

Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST) (PDF - 845k)

Submission 39 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Response to issues paper: Superannuation: Assessing Competitiveness and Efficiency, July 2017. 21 August 2017. AIST Submission to Productivity Commission. Response to issues paper: Superannuation: Assessing Competitiveness and Efficiency, July 2017.

Date received: 21 Aug 2017

Dr and Mrs Nick and Virginia Jacques (PDF - 90k)

Submission 21 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission Reviewing the Efficiency and Competitiveness of the Australian Superannuation System. This submission is being made by a husband and wife whose superannuation was moved from an industry superannuation fund

Date received: 20 Aug 2017

Rhett Ayliffe (PDF - 96k)

Submission 18 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

16 August 2017. Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601, Australia. Dear To Whom It May Concern,. SUBMISSION -SUPERANNUATION: ASSESSING EFFICIENCY &COMPETITIVENESS. My wife &I have a self-managed super fund. We decided to go

Date received: 18 Aug 2017

Ursula Gee (PDF - 34k)

Submission 20 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Submission by Ursula Gee. 20 August 2017. Submission to Productivity Commission – Competitiveness and Efficiency of the Australian superannuation system. I would like to bring to the Commission’s attention, what appears to be an emerging issue

Date received: 18 Aug 2017

Murray Williamson (PDF - 95k)

Submission 19 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Submission to Australian Productivity Commission. Inquiry into. Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency and Competitiveness. Background:. I have had a self-managed superannuation fund since 1995, when I took a redundancy package from the Australian

Date received: 18 Aug 2017

Heather Martin (PDF - 67k)

Submission 15 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

17 August 2017. To Productivity Commission. Submission on superannuation. I consider that successive governments have damaged the efficacy of Australia’s superannuation regime by ignoring the need for policy stability to ensure people trust the

Date received: 18 Aug 2017

Madonna Waugh (PDF - 120k)

Submission 17 for Superannuation: Assessing Efficiency And Competitiveness View full list

Madonna Waugh Dear Commissioners, I would like to start with where the current mess/superannuation started. It had nothing to do with pension replacement. The economy could not handle wage growth of 3 %, so Bill Kelty and Paul Keating hatched a plan

Date received: 18 Aug 2017