Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.
Fully-matching results
Bonnie Reid (PDF - 98k)
Submission 980 for Mental Health View full list
Dear Sir/Madam, Regarding the proposal for 1.25 million 0 to 3 year olds to be screened for "Mental Illness" and for "emerging mental illness," and put at risk of psychiatric drugs; Considering the fact that 1 in 8 Australians are already on
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
Reremonan Rongo (PDF - 15k)
Submission 1128 for Mental Health View full list
Dear Commissioner, 14.1.20. I am a concerned mother of three beautiful sons. What much concerns me most about this extremely alarming proposal to screen babies and children. from the ages of 0 â 3 years for "mental illness" and for "emerging
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
Elizabeth Ducasse (PDF - 44k)
Submission 1029 for Mental Health View full list
19th January, 2020. To Whom It May Concern, I am taking the time to write to you concerning my opposing regarding the screening of infants 0-3 years old for mental health concerns with the possible outcome that these infants and small children may
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
Patrick Jarvis (PDF - 24k)
Submission 1030 for Mental Health View full list
My name is Pat Jarvis. I was a NRL player for 16 years here in NSW. I am a proud Sydney-sider and had the honor to represent our State in playing against Queensland in the State of Origin matches. I also wore the Green and Gold for Australia. I am a
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
Anna Vale (PDF - 101k)
Submission 1155 for Mental Health View full list
cuid Qt'Ct. cAd. 0t1tt 40 -0(lovv). beA Otcv ed eP. UJ. -Bc a rrxiT&Q-/ c L Cli AVO f/A4. CVSac. C r. 01 01. (z) n cZviietq. ba Q 'AO COI. oLte, v &-QQ).k1)) 001 Pi⢠i0A/). be, k j. TO-QS 171 oW. £LJQ Co. -AWE CcAVTpo, c. 3 Chu/ 13 S. G9--) CIA/
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
Michael Watson (PDF - 76k)
Submission 1033 for Mental Health View full list
To The Productivity Commission. Australian Federal Government. Canberra. From Michael Watson. Postcode 6026. Subject: Submission, Sub heading Prevention and Early Intervention. Dear Sir/Madam,. It has come to my attention that the federal government
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
David and Karolyn Bromwell (PDF - 46k)
Submission 1006 for Mental Health View full list
22nd January, 2020 To whom it may concern, Please note: this is our final submission, not the earlier one. My wife and I are very concerned about the proposed expanded screening of children to include social and emotional development. Their brains
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
Ramnaree Chimvaren (PDF - 327k)
Submission 1127 for Mental Health View full list
/. C. I o. -wi wrW 'b --o c.bcvl-- { k thO 0 (1 iVlTTJ fr1eritc-- I. A5 'tfnk, a &cre.en125 c,nd J.cJj eur c.h lol, e'1. l c.o et-e ok C<-s(', l, J;.h,, r-1-. l C,. "'1 c. -v,,-,-c,{.-'f r < hU v-e, e,. aeWJflful 5rMn lf eh:(who
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
Adam Carmody (PDF - 43k)
Submission 1096 for Mental Health View full list
To whom it may concern. It has been brought to my attention that you are looking to implement a screening process for mental health issues for children of age 0 to 3. The screening is frankly unscientific and lacking workability. It appears that
Date received: 23 Jan 2020
Catriona Ross (PDF - 61k)
Submission 1166 for Mental Health View full list
Li cn 9,D. Cotylmks foneArs Paxturz, Kvilv 012-1. Aft kiarl ⢠st. 9,(A az) ogAv s. cen a/A &to, oJ1- -0119 da ifkia. ow kieAN calowfj cdoo J-1- to(cu seiJ melic dold/610Lrem oftwtd (1-J. 034ce-o) s -dikcet- We are sztrvieri-n Yel ° C1124, 11/
Date received: 23 Jan 2020