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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Greg McDonald (PDF - 7k)

Submission 5 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Freight Equalisation. As Chairman of the North West Primary Industry Branch of the Liberal Party I do hereby wish to. make a submission on the above subject. Several of the members of this branch have tried to export vegetables to South East Asia

Date received: 11 Dec 2013

Kelp Industries Pty Ltd (PDF - 48k)

Submission 4 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

Tasmanian Shipping Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA CITY ACT 2601 11/12/2013 To whom it may concern, Kelp Industries Pty Ltd have been exporting dried Bull Kelp (Durvillaea potatorum) from King Island to Melbourne for export and

Date received: 11 Dec 2013

Cuthbertson Bros Pty Ltd (PDF - 111k)

Submission 3 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

CU TH B E R T S O N B R O S. P TY. LT D. A.B.N. 50 009 493 627. Postal Address : PO Box 316 Moonah Tas. 7009. Tasmanian Shipping Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Submission – Tasmanian Shipping and Freight

Date received: 11 Dec 2013

Jonathan B Horrocks (PDF - 108k)

Submission 148 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Jonathan B. tiorrock6. Access to Justice Productivity Commission P.O. Box 1428 Canberra City, ACT 2601. 09/12/13. To Whom It May Concern. Following a request from Justice Action, I am writing to submit my opinion on the system of Civil Law and the

Date received: 11 Dec 2013

Corporate Financial Consulting Pty Ltd (PDF - 187k)

Submission 6 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

S u b m i s s i o n - C o r p o r a t e F i n a n c i a l C o n s u l t i n g – M e r v i n C R e e d. Page 1. Submission to Productivity Commission – Tasmanian Shipping Enquiry 2013. Logistics mess strangling Tasmania. The Australian government

Date received: 11 Dec 2013

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (PDF - 818k)

Submission 134 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

11 December 2013. Access to Justice Arrangements. Productivity Commission. LB2 Collins Street East. Melbourne Vic 8003. Email: Dear Commissioners. Productivity Commission Inquiry: Access to Justice Arrangements. Thank you

Date received: 11 Dec 2013

Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association Inc (PDF - 246k)

Submission 133 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Introduction The Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association (ANZOA) is the peak body for Ombudsmen in Australia and New Zealand1. Among other things, ANZOA acts as a network for consultation and discussion among Ombudsmen and their staff on

Date received: 10 Dec 2013

Law Society of South Australia (PDF - 66k)

Submission 131 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Legal insurance lifts access to justice. 09/12/2013 The Advertiser Author: MORRY BAILES Page 18 | OpEd. The cost to the consumer is relatively small in comparison with the cost of the service WHAT can be done to make justice more affordable? The

Date received: 9 Dec 2013

Lindblad Expeditions (PDF - 63k)

Submission 1 for Tasmanian Shipping And Freight View full list

9 December 2013 Dear Sirs, Please accept this submission to the enquiry into Tasmanian Shipping and Freight on behalf of Lindblad Expeditions. Lindblad Expeditions operate 10 small international expedition vessels worldwide. Through our recent

Date received: 9 Dec 2013

Negocio Resolutions (PDF - 769k)

Submission 144 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Supplementary Submission. Access to Justice Arrangements. Response to Productivity Commission Issues Paper. Stephen Lancken BA LLB MPACS, Accr Mediatior (NMAS) Accredited Specialist Commercial. In my earlier submission to this enquiry I predicted;.

Date received: 8 Dec 2013