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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Early Learning Association of Australia (PDF - 166k)

Submission DR690 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Early Learning Association Australia. Response to Productivity Commission Inquiry into. Childcare and Early Childhood Learning Draft Report. September 2014. Executive Summary. We welcome this opportunity to provide a further response to the

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Rosny Child Care Centre (PDF - 110k)

Submission DR669 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

We appreciate the opportunity to again be able to contribute to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector. We would again like to state our belief that the priority of the Government should be

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) (PDF - 403k)

Submission DR641 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Response to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on Child Care and Early Childhood Learning. September 2014. 2 The best possible start in life. Contents Qualifications and ratios. 5. Scope of the National Quality Framework. 12. The National

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Michael Shirley (PDF - 228k)

Submission DR663 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

1. ACADEMIC FINDINGS ON CLASS SIZE AND TEACHER QUALITY Executive Summary Overview. • With the latest ACEQA data showing that requests for waivers by childcare centres are dramatically increasing as new stricter NQF requirements come into operation,

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Family Day Care Australia (PDF - 4360k)

Submission DR655 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

Submission to. Childcare and Early Childhood Learning Draft Report. September 2014. The Australian Government. Productivity Commission. Family Day Care Australia Response to the Childcare and Early Childhood Learning Draft Report September 20142.

Date received: 4 Sep 2014

Jessica Faulkner (PDF - 22k)

Submission DR610 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern,. My name is Jessica Faulkner and I have been in the early childhood education and care sector since 2008. I started off as a diploma trained educator but attended university in order to extend my qualifications and my

Date received: 3 Sep 2014

Leah Malzard (PDF - 14k)

Submission DR595 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern, Quality matters people. Australia's youngest citizens deserve the best, do they not? Quality Early Childhood Educators who are passionate, caring, and qualified is what we need to deliver the best educational experience

Date received: 3 Sep 2014

Kathryn Russell (PDF - 82k)

Submission DR626 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To Whom It May Concern, In response to the suggested changes in the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report I wish to make a submission as I feel some areas need greater attention and analysis. University trained Early Childhood Teachers matter for

Date received: 3 Sep 2014

Chloe Fields (PDF - 35k)

Submission DR604 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

To whom it may concern,. My 2 year old son has been in daycare for 6 months. He LOVES going to 'school' as it is a educational, safe, loving environment with qualified carers. Making the decision to move from private nanny services to a daycare

Date received: 3 Sep 2014

Lilian Leong (PDF - 25k)

Submission DR601 for Childcare And Early Childhood Learning View full list

As a mother of two, who is already in the workforce, me and my husband's family incomes are just. not sufficient to cover the child care cost, even though we are considered as high income earners. (with combined incomes). Not to mention about

Date received: 3 Sep 2014

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