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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

South Australian Government (PDF - 26k)

Submission PP177 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

subpp177.doc. CS/210/003/671.PT2. Date:. Mr David Robertson Presiding Commissioner TCF Inquiry Productivity Commission PO Box 80 Belconnen ACT 2616. REVIEW OF POST-2005 ASSISTANCE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE TEXTILE, CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR INDUSTRY:

Date received: 3 Jul 2003

NSW Government (PDF - 50k)

Submission PP175 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

. 1. Productivity Commission’s Review of Textile, Clothing and Footwear Assistance. OVERVIEW. The NSW Government welcomes many of the Productivity Commission’s (‘the Commission’) preliminary findings in relation to the Australian Textile,

Date received: 2 Jul 2003

TCF Services Pty Limited (PDF - 51k)

Submission PP174 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

TCF SERVICES PTY LIMITED 1. Observations on the Productivity Commission’s ‘Review of TCF Assistance’Position Paper. 1 – Long-term Tariff Rates. The Commission has outlined four Tariff assistance scenarios, and has itself recommended Option 4.

Date received: 30 Jun 2003

Bruck Textiles (PDF - 37k)

Submission PP165 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

US BARRIERS TO TRADE. INTRODUCTION. In addition, to the US’s tariff barriers against imports of textiles and textiles products, it also imposes a series of non-tariff barriers against such imports. The following paper highlights the most

Date received: 27 Jun 2003

Footwear Manufacturers Assoc of Australia Inc. (PDF - 25k)

Submission PP132 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

Footwear Manufacturers Association of Australia Inc. Review of Post 2005 TCF&L Assistance. Presentation to the Productivity Commission Hearings in Sydney June 2003. Summary Overview. Background to the Footwear Manufacturers Association of Australia

Date received: 26 Jun 2003

Shoe Lasts & Components (PDF - 5k)

Submission PP172 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

Dr David Robertson Presiding Commissioner TCF Inquiry Productivity Commission PO Box 80, Belconnen, ACT 2616. Dear Dr Robertson. I am writing to you in regard to the inquiry you are chairing into the TCF industries. Shoe Lasts &Components P/L has

Date received: 25 Jun 2003

Victorian Government (PDF - 150k)

Submission PP173 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

1. The Victorian Government’s Final Policy Contribution to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the. Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Industry. Introduction. The Victorian Government welcomes the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the

Date received: 25 Jun 2003

Senator Richard Colbeck (PDF - 5k)

Submission PP166 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

RC/SC 19 June, 2003. TCF Inquiry, Productivity Commission, PO Box 80, BELCONNEN. ACT. 2616. Dear Sirs,. Response to Productivity Commission Position Paper Review of TCF Assistance. 1. Post 2005 Tariff Options. • Support Productivity Commission

Date received: 23 Jun 2003

Banyule City Council (PDF - 7k)

Submission PP170 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

Our Ref: BS10/035/001 Mr Simon McMillan Tel: 9457 9861 Fax: 9457 4705. 25 June 2003. Review of TCF Assistance Productivity Commission PO Box 80 BELCONNEN ACT 2616. Dear Sir/Madam,. Re: PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO THE TEXTILES CLOTHING AND

Date received: 23 Jun 2003

Flicker's Australia Pty Limited (PDF - 12k)

Submission PP168 for Post-2005 Textile, Clothing And Footwear Assistance Arrangements View full list

Supplementary Submission. 20 June 2003. Productivity Commission Review of TCF Assistance Post 2005 P.O. Box 80 BELCONER ACT 2616. Dear Sir,. I would like to make this supplementary submission in response to the position paper and the open hearings.

Date received: 23 Jun 2003