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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Australian Taxpayers Alliance (PDF - 682k)

Submission 19 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Productivity Review Inquiry. Productivity Commission. GPO Box 1428. CANBERRA CITY 2601. Productivity Commission Annual Productivity Review. Submission on behalf on the Australian Taxpayers’Alliance. Introduction. 1. The Australian

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Institute of Public Affairs (PDF - 3776k)

Submission 15 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

From the desk of Darcy Allen, Research Fellow. Email me at 9 December 2016. Productivity Review Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Productivity Commission Inquiry into Productivity. To Whom It May

Date received: 12 Dec 2016

Australian Automobile Association (AAA) (PDF - 289k)

Submission 46 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Australian Automobile Association. Malllng Add. H:. GPO Box1S5S. Canberrc, ACT 2601. Add,. •:. 103 Northbourne Ave. Canberra ACT 2601. P 02 6247 7311. F 02 62S7 5320. W MEMBER OF. •. Mr. Peter Harris. Chairman. Productivity

Date received: 7 Dec 2016

Tom Lewis (PDF - 92k)

Submission 9 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

A Working Sub Fleet And Crew Tomorrow. – Submarine Protection for less than half the dollars presently proposed. – a simple analysis for the general public – By Dr Tom Lewis The Australian public has been sucker-punched by the green movement

Date received: 7 Dec 2016

Queensland Nurses' Union (QNU) (PDF - 444k)

Submission 10 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

1. Submission to. the Productivity Commission. Productivity Review. December, 2016. 2. Table of Contents. Introduction. 3. Recommendations. 4. Role of Government. 5. Privatisation in Health Care. 5. Minimum Nurse/Midwife-to-Patient Ratios. 8.

Date received: 7 Dec 2016

Land Values Research Group (PDF - 94k)

Submission 8 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

I submit that economists pay little or no attention to Nikolai Kondratieff's 'Long Wave', the period between two economic depressions. Kondratieff took 36 price, value and quantity time series datasets in the USA, UK, France and Germany (from 1788

Date received: 3 Dec 2016

Master Electricians Australia (MEA) (PDF - 569k)

Submission 7 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

INCREASING AUSTRALIA’S. FUTURE PROSPERITY. Productivity Commission Discussion Paper. Master Electricians Australia submission. Master Electricians Australia Increasing Australia’s Future Prosperity Page 1. Table of Contents. About Master

Date received: 29 Nov 2016

Gregory Perryman (PDF - 120k)

Submission 6 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Productivity Review. Submission to Australian Government Productivity Commission. Background. Two of the early initiatives of the Abbott government were to commission “white papers”. on taxation reform and Federation reform. I have long thought

Date received: 28 Nov 2016

Name Withheld (PDF - 54k)

Submission 5 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Hello, if this email can be passed to the relevant parties within the Productivity Commission please. The recent Productivity Commission report on 457 Visa's and migration - raises the question of the wider scope of the extensive fraud in the entire

Date received: 23 Nov 2016

Dig Econ Research (PDF - 215k)

Submission 4 for Productivity Review (2017) View full list

Havyatt Associates P/L (ACN 075 059 504) T/A DigEcon Research (BN98531409). Increasing Australia’s future prosperity: response to the Productivity Commission Discussion Paper November 2016 This submission argues that the focus on growing

Date received: 22 Nov 2016