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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Lea Newing (PDF - 12k)

Submission 59 for Pig And Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports (1999) View full list

WEST AUSTRALIAN PORK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION. Pig &Pigmeat Industries Inquiry, LB2 Collins St East Post Office, MELBOURNE, VIC 8003. Dear Sir. Unless we stop this cyclical nature of prices received for our pork, no young person, in their right mind

Date received: 7 Oct 1998

Primary Industries and Resources SA (PDF - 67k)

Submission 58 for Pig And Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports (1999) View full list

Submission to the. Productivity Commission Inquiry. Pig and Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports. by. Primary Industries and Resources South Australia. 1 October 1998. For further information contact Glenn Ronan, Principal Economics

Date received: 7 Oct 1998

Aged Care Australia + (PDF - 12k)

Submission 57 for Nursing Home Subsidies View full list

LEADING CHURCH, CHARITABLE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES IN PROVIDING QUALITY AGED CARE Level One, 36 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 Australia. TEL: (613) 9686 3460 FAX: (613) 9686 3453 Email: Website:

Date received: 6 Oct 1998

Ridley Corporation Limited (PDF - 76k)

Submission 57 for Pig And Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports (1999) View full list

Page 1 Our Ref: AKB:mg 215Sep98.doc. 6XEPLVVLRQ. % 5LGOH &RUSRUDWLRQ/LPLWHG. WR WKH. 3URGXFWLYLW &RPPLVVLRQ. Terms of The Factors affecting the Profitability Reference and Competitiveness of the domestic No. 3: pig farming and pigmeat processing.

Date received: 6 Oct 1998

Department of Primary Industries Queensland (PDF - 142k)

Submission 56 for Pig And Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports (1999) View full list

Oduxh v dvvhvvphqw ri wkh Sxufhoo dqg Kduulvrq uhsruw hqwlwohg Wkh Lpsdfw ri Wudgh. Olehudolvdwlrq dqg Lqfuhdvlqj Lpsruwv rq Dxvwudoldq Slj Sulfhv 0 D uhso|. Wlp Sxufhoo dqg Vwhyh Kduulvrq Ghsduwphqw ri Hfrqrplfv/. Wkh Xqlyhuvlw| ri Txhhqvodqg

Date received: 6 Oct 1998

Victorian Healthcare Association + (PDF - 117k)

Submission 22 for Nursing Home Subsidies View full list

VHA Submission to Productivity Commission. Inquiry Into Nursing Home Subsidies. The Victorian Healthcare Association Ltd 2 October 1998. C o n t e n t s. 1. INTRODUCTION … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Date received: 6 Oct 1998

Pork Council of Australia (PDF - 480k)

Submission 55 for Pig And Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports (1999) View full list

Pork Council Of Australia. Submission to the Productivity Commission. Pig and Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports. October 1998. CONTENTS page. I. Executive Overview 4 II. Introduction 6. III. Application of the WTO Provisions 8. 1.

Date received: 6 Oct 1998

Barbara Pineo (PDF - 5k)

Submission 54 for Pig And Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports (1999) View full list

Well I sit here after the election wondering why I’m bothering writing this to the enquiry now that I know with Mr John Anderson still holding his seat there is not much hope for the 80% of small pig farmers. The packages designed are only for the

Date received: 5 Oct 1998

South Australian Farmers Federation * (PDF - 91k)

Submission 53 for Pig And Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action Against Imports (1999) View full list

South Australian Farmers Federation 1. Productivity Commission Submission Pig and Pigmeat Industries: Safeguard Action. Against Imports South Australian Farmers Federation. October 1998. , QWURGXFWLRQ The South Australian Farmers Federation welcomes

Date received: 5 Oct 1998

National Association of Nursing Homes and Private Hospitals Inc. + (PDF - 136k)

Submission 55 for Nursing Home Subsidies View full list

30 September, 1998. Mr Michael Woods Commissioner of the Productivity Commission PO Box 80 BELCONNEN ACT 2616. BY E-MAIL Dear Mr Woods. SUPPLEMENTARY SUBMISSION COMMENTS ON THE ISSUES PAPER. PRODUCED BY THE PRODUCTIVITY

Date received: 2 Oct 1998