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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

BHP Billiton (PDF - 595k)

Submission 29 for National Access Regime (2013) View full list

BHP Billiton Submission to the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into the National Access Regime 15 February 2013. 1. Contents. 1. THE OVERRIDING OBJECTIVE: CORRECT DECISIONS 2. 2. BHP BILLITON'S EXPERIENCE OF THE PART IIIA DECLARATION PROCESS 4. 2

Date received: 15 Feb 2013

NT Department of Mines and Energy (PDF - 3283k)

Submission 2 for Mineral And Energy Resource Exploration View full list

Background Context. "The Productivity Commission (PC) has been asked to examine the nori-financial ba. rriers o ini and energy resourceexploration in Australia. The inquiry is toexaminet e xpO PR.

Date received: 14 Feb 2013

Water Services Association of Australia (PDF - 365k)

Submission 25 for National Access Regime (2013) View full list

Water Austra. Subm Produ review Regim. r Service alia. ission to uctivity C w of the N me. s Associa. the Commissi National. ation of. ion Access.

Date received: 13 Feb 2013

Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (PDF - 511k)

Submission 24 for National Access Regime (2013) View full list

Report prepared for the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries. Submission to the Productivity Commission. inquiry into the National Access Regime. and the Competition and Infrastructure. Reform Agreement. Dr Alistair Davey. February 2013.

Date received: 13 Feb 2013

Institute of Public Affairs (PDF - 277k)

Submission 23 for National Access Regime (2013) View full list

Submission to the. Productivity Commission Inquiry into the National Access Regime. Alan Moran Director, Deregulation Unit February 2013. February 2013 Institute of Public Affairs 2. Introduction The Institute of Public Affairs has as its core

Date received: 12 Feb 2013

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) (PDF - 600k)

Submission DR50 for Compulsory Licensing Of Patents View full list

EXECUTIVE OFFICE. Australian Competition &Consumer Commission. Our Ref: 50669 Contact Officer: Scott Gregson Contact Phone: 02 6243 1350. February 2013. GPO Box 3131 Canberra ACT 2601. 23 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra ACT 2601. tel: (02) 6243 1111

Date received: 11 Feb 2013

Australian Energy Market Commission (PDF - 56k)

Submission 21 for National Access Regime (2013) View full list

Australian Energy Market Commission Level 5, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 PO Box A2449, Sydney South NSW 1235. P – 02 8296 7800 F – 02 8296 7899 E – ABN 49 236 270 144 Our ref: 13-1810 11 February 2013

Date received: 11 Feb 2013

Xstrata Coal Limited (PDF - 4862k)

Submission 19 for National Access Regime (2013) View full list

Image - Page 1

Date received: 11 Feb 2013