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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Win Television Network Pty Ltd (PDF - 7k)

Submission DR264 for Broadcasting View full list

PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO BROADCASTING. SUBMISSION FROM WIN TELEVISION NETWORK PTY LTD. 20 December 1999. H:bcast Admin Isys Subs subdr264 win television.doc2. We would like to make further comment on section 8.5 of your draft report,

Date received: 20 Dec 1999

Western Australian Aboriginal Media Association (Aboriginal Corporation) (PDF - 26k)

Submission DR261 for Broadcasting View full list

$8675$/, $1% 52$'&$67, 1 $&7, 148, 5<. 7+(:(67(51 $8675$/, $1 $% 25,, 1$/0(', $$662&, $7, 21. $% 25,, 1$/&25325$7, 21. 68% 0, 66, 21 72'5$) 7 5(3257. 7KH:HVWHUQ $XVWUDOLDQ $ERULJLQDO 0HGLD $VVRFLDWLRQ $ERULJLQDO &RUSRUDWLRQ NQRZQ DV:$$0$LV IXOO

Date received: 20 Dec 1999

Network Ten (PDF - 43k)

Submission DR263 for Broadcasting View full list

Network Ten Submission on Draft Report Page 1. Network Ten Submission to the Productivity Commission Broadcasting Draft Report. (HFXWLYH 6XPPDU. The submission addresses issues raised in the Productivity Commission’s Broadcasting Draft Report

Date received: 20 Dec 1999

Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (PDF - 198k)

Submission DR255 for Broadcasting View full list

1. TEL: 61 2 9200 1486. FAX: 61 2 9200 1966. MOBILE: 0418 236 174. EMAIL: Wharf 8, Pyrmont. NSW Australia 2009. 13 December 1999. Professor Richard Snape Presiding Commissioner Productivity Commission Level 28, Telstra Tower

Date received: 17 Dec 1999

Spurgeon, Christina, School of Media and Journalism, Queensland University of Technology (PDF - 56k)

Submission DR256 for Broadcasting View full list

Comments on the Productivity Commission’s Broadcasting Draft Report. Christina Spurgeon School of Media and Journalism. Queensland University of Technology. December 1999. Introduction 1 A key aim of the Productivity Commission’s current

Date received: 17 Dec 1999

3ZZZ (PDF - 7k)

Submission DR251 for Broadcasting View full list

3ZZZ Response to Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on Broadcasting Services Act. 1 As an ethnic language community radio broadcaster, servicing nearly 60 communities in Melbourne, 3ZZZ endorses the views expressed by the NEMBC in their

Date received: 15 Dec 1999