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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Telstra (PDF - 12k)

Submission 8 for International Telecommunications Market Regulation View full list

1-. International Telecommunications Market Regulation Inquiry. Telstra response to follow-up questions by the Inquiry arising from the Telstra submission of 6 May and faxed letter of 28 April (Ref: e-mail to Telstra on 12 May 1999, Jim Roberts/John

Date received: 10 May 1999

Cable & Wireless Optus * (PDF - 60k)

Submission 5 for International Telecommunications Market Regulation View full list

Cable &Wireless Optus. Submission to the Productivity Commission’s. inquiry into. “International Telecommunications Market. Regulation”. Regulatory and Public Affairs. 2. CONTENTS. 1. INTRODUCTION 3. 2. THE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS

Date received: 10 May 1999

Telstra (PDF - 83k)

Submission 4 for International Telecommunications Market Regulation View full list

Telstra Submission to the. Productivity Commission. International Telecommunications Market Regulation Inquiry. 5 May 1999. Submission to the International Telecommunications Market Regulation Inquiry.

Date received: 10 May 1999

Australian Telecommunications Users Group (ATUG) (PDF - 20k)

Submission 3 for International Telecommunications Market Regulation View full list

Q:ITMR SUBMISSI DOCS SUBNO3.DOC CP 19 May 1999. 19 May 1999. International Telecommunications Market Regulation Enquiry Productivity Commission PO Box 80 BELCONNEN ACT 2616. International Telecommunications Market Regulation. ATUG, representing end

Date received: 7 May 1999

Aust. Association of Independent Regional Radio Broadcasters (IRB) (PDF - 32k)

Submission 10 for Broadcasting View full list

1. Productivity Commission Broadcasting Inquiry. Submission by the Australian Association of Independent. Regional Radio Broadcasters (IRB). May, 1999. 2. Contact. For inquiries relating to this submission, please contact:. Mr D L Foster Director

Date received: 7 May 1999

John Fairfax Holdings Ltd (PDF - 339k)

Submission 8 for Broadcasting View full list

Frederick G Hilmer, AO Telephone: (61 2) 9282 3815 Chief Executive Officer Facsimile: (61 2) 9282 3959. 8 May 1999. Professor Richard Snape Deputy Chairman Productivity Commission LB2 Collins Street East Melbourne Vic

Date received: 7 May 1999

National Viewers and Listeners Association (PDF - 228k)

Submission 9 for Broadcasting View full list

1. 7KH 1DWLRQDO 9LHZHUV DQG/LVWHQHUV $VVRFLDWLRQ RI $XVWUDOLD, QF. N V L A A “Towards a New Century and a Safer Society”. Productivity Commission. INQUIRY. INTO. BROADCASTING. Submission by. National Viewers and Listeners Association. President :

Date received: 7 May 1999

Cadence FM 99.3 (PDF - 7k)

Submission 6 for Broadcasting View full list

CADENCE FM 99.3 92 WELLESLEY ST. SOUTH HOBART TAS. Broadcasting Inquiry. Dear Sir, Madam. Concerning your request for submissions at forthcoming enquirys into the Broadcasting Industry. A number of issues we would like to discuss are outlined in

Date received: 6 May 1999

Australian Information Industry Association Limited (PDF - 7k)

Submission 2 for International Telecommunications Market Regulation View full list

AUSTRALIAN INFORMATION INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION LIMITED. A. C. N. 008 568 036. 6 May 1999. Mr Jim Roberts Productivity Commission PO Box 80 Belconnen ACT 2617. Dear Jim. I am writing to provide some additional AIIA views on the issues being addressed in

Date received: 6 May 1999