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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Intellectual Disability Rights Service Inc (PDF - 252k)

Submission 75 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

JC: MLM. Access to Justice Arrangements. Productivity Commission. LB2 Collins Street East. MELBOURNE VIC 8003. 8 November 2013. By e-mail: Dear Sirs. Intellectual Disability Rights Service: Access to Justice Submission.

Date received: 8 Nov 2013

Small Business Development Corporation (PDF - 322k)

Submission 76 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Small Business Development Corporation. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry Access to Justice Arrangements. 2 | P a g e. About the Small Business Development Corporation The Small Business Development Corporation (“SBDC”) welcomes

Date received: 8 Nov 2013

Maurice Blackburn Pty Ltd (PDF - 112k)

Submission 59 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

40271561. Maurice Blackburn Pty Limited. ABN 21 105 657 949. Level 20. 201 Elizabeth Street. Sydney NSW 2000 PO Box A266. Sydney South 1235 DX 13002 Sydney Market Street T (02) 9261 1488. F (02) 9261 3318. Liability limited by a scheme approved

Date received: 8 Nov 2013

NSW Young Lawyers Committees (PDF - 405k)

Submission 79 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

NSW Young Lawyers Public Law and Government Committee, Civil Litigation Committee, Human Rights Committee and BushWeb Regional Issues Committee:. Submission to Access to Justice Inquiry. 11 November 2013. Access to Justice Productivity Commission

Date received: 8 Nov 2013

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (PDF - 688k)

Submission 78 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Arrangements. November, 2013. 1. Table of Contents. 1. About the NATSILS. 2. 2. Introduction. 2. 3. Recommendations. 2. 4. Legal need amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 3.

Date received: 8 Nov 2013

Australian Lawyers Alliance (PDF - 485k)

Submission 107 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

Access to Justice. The importance of structural safety nets and government. commitment to certainty. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice. 8 November 2013. 2. CONTENTS Who we are. 3. Our standing to comment. 3.

Date received: 8 Nov 2013

John Joseph (PDF - 93k)

Submission 113 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION ON PATHWAYS TO JUSTICE. The legal industry when charged with conducting an enquiry into any other industry or institution in this country, typically follow the tailor's maxim. Delivering a 'never mind the

Date received: 7 Nov 2013