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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy’s (DMITRE) (PDF - 212k)

Submission 72 for Mineral And Energy Resource Exploration View full list

SUBMISSION to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into non-financial barriers to mineral and energy resource exploration. July 2013. DMITRE SUBMISSION TO THE INQUIRY INTO MINERAL AND ENERGY RESOURCE EXPLORATION PAGE 2 OF 28.

Date received: 14 Aug 2013

Community Legal Centres NSW and others (PDF - 177k)

Submission 4 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

2 August 2013 Dr Warren Mundy Productivity Commission LB2 Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003 Dear Dr Mundy, Access to Justice for ‘disadvantaged parties’We are the five funded peak organisations for community legal centres (CLCs) in Australia

Date received: 2 Aug 2013

Doctors for the Environment Australia Inc (PDF - 464k)

Submission 70 for Mineral And Energy Resource Exploration View full list

The following are members of our Scientific Committee and support the work of Doctors for the Environment Australia. Prof. Stephen Boyden AM; Prof. Peter Doherty AC; Prof. Bob Douglas AO; Prof. Michael Kidd AM; Prof. David de Kretser AC; Prof.

Date received: 31 Jul 2013

Nick Pastalatzis (PDF - 49k)

Submission 71 for Mineral And Energy Resource Exploration View full list

Resource Exploration Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. Nick Pastalatzis 132 Glengala Road West Sunshine VIC 3020. 28 July 2013. Dear Sir/Madam. I want to make a submission to the Productivity Commission 2013,

Date received: 28 Jul 2013

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (PDF - 229k)

Submission 3 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

24 July 2013 Productivity Commission LB2 Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003 By email: Dear Commissioners, Productivity Commission – Access to Justice Arrangements Inquiry In my capacity as Chairperson, I write on

Date received: 24 Jul 2013

Lynton Freeman (PDF - 119k)

Submission 12 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

SUPPLEMENTARY SUBMISSION. This is a supplementary submission to the Access to Justice Inquiry of the Productivity Commission. arising from newly published decisions on how financiers are responsible for their mistakes. This. submission is a follow

Date received: 23 Jul 2013

Peter Mair (PDF - 163k)

Submission 2 for Access To Justice Arrangements View full list

ACCESS TO JUSTICE. My contribution is dedicated to lawyer friends cast more in the mould of Atticus Finch and not warranting the following criticism of colleagues that should be cast aside.. There can be few issues affronting the Australian

Date received: 22 Jul 2013

Gold and Copper Resources Pty Ltd (PDF - 191k)

Submission 69 for Mineral And Energy Resource Exploration View full list

4622 Mitchell Highway • Lucknow NSW 2800 P: 61 (2) 6363 2000 • F: 61 (2) 6365 5420 Suite 22B • The Lindfield Centre 12 Tryon Road • Lindfield NSW 2070 P: 61 (2) 9880 8164 • F: 61 (2) 9416 2525. Gold and Copper Resources Pty Limited (GCR)

Date received: 19 Jul 2013

Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Limited (PDF - 547k)

Submission 68 for Mineral And Energy Resource Exploration View full list

APPEA Comments on the Productivity Commission Draft Report. Non-financial Barriers to Mineral and Energy Resource Exploration. AUSTRALIAN PETROLEUM PRODUCTION &EXPLORATION ASSOCIATION. (APPEA) LTD. July 2013. -2-. Water Trigger as New Matter of

Date received: 19 Jul 2013

New South Wales Department of Planning and Infrastructure (PDF - 2397k)

Submission 67 for Mineral And Energy Resource Exploration View full list

NSW GOVERNMENT. Planning &Infrastructure. Office of the Director General. Mr Peter Harris AO - Chairman Resource Exploration Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601 (by email: 13/11120. Dear Mr

Date received: 17 Jul 2013