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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Murray Darling Association (PDF - 356k)

Submission 52 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list It’s in the Balance. Thursday, 19 April 2018 Dr Jane Doolan and Mr John Madden Commissioners Australian Government Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra ACT 2601 Inquiry into the effectiveness of the implementation of the

Date received: 19 Apr 2018

Coleambally Irrigation Co-operative Limited (PDF - 517k)

Submission 38 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Coleambally Irrigation Co-operative Limited. Submission to the Productivity Commission -. Five year assessment of the. Murray Darling Basin Plan. April 2018. 1 Coleambally Irrigation Co-operative Limited Submission Productivity Commission Five year

Date received: 19 Apr 2018

Lindsay Leake (PDF - 352k)

Submission 20 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Murray Darling Basin Plan Inquiry: Five-year assessment. Submission. Accounting of water. I believe that the accounting for water in the system is simply not through enough and with current technology it is possible to establish a central data base

Date received: 18 Apr 2018

Leeton Shire Council (PDF - 105k)

Submission 17 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission. Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment. 18 April 2018. Thank you for the opportunity for Leeton Shire Council to provide this submission to the. Inquiry into the Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Five Year

Date received: 18 Apr 2018

Griffith City Council (PDF - 478k)

Submission 16 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

18 April 2018. The Commissioner Australian Government Productivity Commission Email: Dear Commissioner,. RE: MURRAY DARLING BASIN - FIVE YEAR ASSESSMENT. Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission in relation to the

Date received: 18 Apr 2018

Speak Up Campaign (PDF - 356k)

Submission 18 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

1 | P a g e. Speak Up Campaign Inc. Submission. Productivity Commission. 5 Year Inquiry into the Murray Darling Basin Plan. The Speak Up Campaign formed two and a half years ago to become a voice for community concerns. regarding the impacts of the

Date received: 18 Apr 2018

National Irrigators’ Council (NIC) (PDF - 711k)

Submission 15 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission’s. five year review of the Murray Darling Basin Plan. April 2018. Contact: Steve Whan CEO: National Irrigators’Council. 1. Table of Contents Summary of key points. 2. NIC Guiding Principles. 3. Why is

Date received: 18 Apr 2018

Environmental Defender's Office of Australia (EDOA) (PDF - 257k)

Submission 14 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

EDOs of Australia ABN 85 763 839 004. C/- EDO NSW Level 5, 263 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. T: 612 9262 6989. .

Date received: 17 Apr 2018

Goulburn Valley Environment Group (GVEG) (PDF - 91k)

Submission 13 for Murray-darling Basin Plan: Five-year Assessment View full list

Protecting the environment for generations to come. The Goulburn Valley Environment Group Inc. Po Box 2073 Shepparton Vic 3632 Productivity Commission: GVEG submission The Goulburn Valley Environment group (GVEG) offer the following comments as

Date received: 17 Apr 2018

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