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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) (PDF - 204k)

Submission PP264 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Victorian Council of Social Service Level 8, 128 Exhibition Street. Melbourne, Victoria, 3000. 61 3 9235 1000 @vcoss Introduction VCOSS welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the Productivity

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

Australian Blindness Forum (ABF) (PDF - 576k)

Submission PP263 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

1 Australian Blindness Forum, PO Box 1188, Canberra ACT 2601. ABN 47 125 036 857. @AustBlindForum. PO Box 1188 Canberra ACT 2601. ABF response to:. Productivity Commission Position Paper – National Disability

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) (PDF - 582k)

Submission PP262 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Product ivity Com m is s ion GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. 3 July 2017. Re: Product ivi t y Commission Posi t ion Paper; Nat ional Disabi li t y Insurance. Scheme (NDIS) Costs. To whom it may concern,. I am writ ing to you as the Research and

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

cohealth ltd (PDF - 571k)

Submission PP261 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list 12th July 2017 National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs study Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Barton ACT 2600. Dear Commissioner,. Re: NDIS Costs Position Paper. cohealth welcomes the opportunity to respond to the

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS) (PDF - 328k)

Submission PP260 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

AD ACAS ADVOCACY. ADACAS Submission. Online lodgement. Productivity Commission inquiry in the NDIS. Thank you for the opportunity to provide further comment to inform this inquiry. ADACAS. welcomes the position paper and is fully supportive of many

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (PDF - 858k)

Submission PP259 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Submission to the Productivity Commission. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Issues Paper. July, 2017. Prepared by Bart Cavalletto RIDBC Director of Services. Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children Private Bag 29, Parramatta NSW

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

Australian Red Cross (PDF - 481k)

Submission PP258 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

1. Australian Red Cross is committed to making sure that the National Disability Insurance Scheme. (NDIS) enables all Australians, particularly the most vulnerable, to access the help, supports and. services they need. This commitment is in line

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

Australian Lawyers Alliance (PDF - 191k)

Submission PP257 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

NDIS Costs. Submission to the Productivity Commission. 12 July 2017. CONTENTS. Who we are. 3. Introduction. 4. NIIS. 5. Participant planning failures. 6. Workforce planning failures. 8. Transparency and rigour required regarding costs. 10. Access to

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

Disability Services Australia (DSA) (PDF - 219k)

Submission PP256 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Information Request – Productivity Commission Position Paper, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Disability Services Australia (DSA). Page | 1. National Disability Insurance Scheme Costs. Productivity Commission Paper – Overview

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

MND Australia (PDF - 323k)

Submission PP255 for National Disability Insurance Scheme (ndis) Costs View full list

Response to Productivity Commission Position Paper. NATIONAL DISABILITY INSURANCE SCHEME (NDIS). COSTS. Submitted online. By. Carol Birks. MND Australia PO Box 430, North Sydney, NSW 2059. On: Wednesday 12 July 2017.

Date received: 12 Jul 2017

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