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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Great Northern Telecommunications (PDF - 111k)

Submission 13 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Productivity Commission Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation Enquiry Commissioner Jonathon Coppel By Email: Dear Sir, Please find attached my submission to the Productivity Commission Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation Enquiry. In this

Date received: 28 Jun 2017

Pilbara Regional Council (PDF - 347k)

Submission DR47 for Transitioning Regional Economies View full list

8.1 BRIEFING ON THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSIONS INQUIRY INTO TRANSITIONING REGIONAL ECONOMIES (PUBLIC DRAFT). Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer. Action Officer: Chief Executive Officer. Disclosure of Interest: Nil. Attachment(s): 8.1 -

Date received: 27 Jun 2017

Put Western Australia First (PDF - 562k)

Submission 12 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. HORIZONTAL FISCAL EQUALISATION. Submitted on behalf of the Put Western Australia First Party. 26 June 2017. Contact: Charles Hopkins. PRODUCTIVITY.  This submission looks at the outcomes from the current

Date received: 27 Jun 2017

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA) (PDF - 4442k)

Submission 11 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

1. SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION Horizontal fiscal equalisation Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia. SUMMARY. The principle and scale of horizontal fiscal equalisation (HFE) of Australian states and territories has

Date received: 27 Jun 2017

V R Edward Camp (PDF - 144k)

Submission DR487 for Reforms To Human Services View full list

Submission by V.R. Edward Camp. Public Housing Rents. Dear Commissioner, I wish to submit my comments on the recent press. release under: Public Rents for Public Housing.Reported by Rick Morton in The Australian dated June 2nd. The basis for the

Date received: 23 Jun 2017

Wealth Wisdom Pty Ltd (PDF - 402k)

Submission 10 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY INTO HORIZONTAL FISCAL EQUALISATION. SUBMISSION FROM Wealth Wisdom Pty Ltd. June 23rd 2017. Submission contact person. Paul Haase. Wealth Wisdom Pty Ltd. Contents 1 Executive Summary. 3. 2

Date received: 23 Jun 2017

Peter Abelson (PDF - 298k)

Submission 9 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

Estimating the Revenue Raising Capacities of the States and. Territories and the Implications for the Equitable Distribution of. GST Revenue. Peter Abelson. School of Economics, Sydney University. Abstract. The Commonwealth Grants Commission’s

Date received: 22 Jun 2017

Western Australia Government (PDF - 270k)

Submission 80 for National Water Reform (2018) View full list

Submission 90 - Western Australia Government - National Water Reform - Public inquiry. Western Australia Government i. Submission to issues paper on national water reform. Securing Western Australia’s water future. Department of Water. June 2017.

Date received: 21 Jun 2017

John McAuley (PDF - 231k)

Submission 7 for Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation View full list

SUBMISSION TO PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION INQUIRY. GST DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: MAIN POINTS. 1. HFE is a concept possibly useful in undergraduate economic study but its application in Australian federalism is arbitrary and nowhere prescribed in detail. 2.

Date received: 20 Jun 2017

NAJA Business Consulting Services (PDF - 351k)

Submission DR42 for Transitioning Regional Economies View full list

Transitioning Regional Economies study Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins St East MELBOURNE VIC 8003. 19 June 2017. Submission to Transitioning Regional Economies Study. Dear Commissioner Lindwall,. Thank you for the opportunity to meet

Date received: 16 Jun 2017

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