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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Peel Valentine Whitehead (PVW) Partners (PDF - 464k)

Submission DR169 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 CANBERRA, ACT 2601 Online: 11th October 2019 Submission to the Productivity Commission on the Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments Draft Report

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

Renjith Kollakkombil (PDF - 170k)

Submission DR168 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

• Should the ZTO special area boundaries be redrawn to reflect contemporary settlement patterns? ZTO special area boundaries need to be redefined considering, various other factors that contributed towards achieving the census population. If the

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) (PDF - 467k)

Submission DR167 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

© Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand ABN 50 084 642 571 (CA ANZ). Formed in Australia. Members of CA ANZ are not liable for the debts and liabilities of CA ANZ. 11 October 2019. The Manager Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

City of Karratha (PDF - 906k)

Submission DR166 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Our Ref: OCR187537 Enquiries: Chris Adams (08) 9186 8555. To whom it may concern Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments Below is feedback from the City of Karratha in relation to the Draft Report into Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments.

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

Flinders Council (PDF - 149k)

Submission DR165 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

11 October 2019 The Commissioners Productivity Commission Canberra ACT 2601. Response PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT - REMOTE AREA TAX CONCESSIONS &PAYMENTS Flinders Council welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Productivity

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

Costantino Di Biase (PDF - 38k)

Submission DR164 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Dear Commission,. Yet another show of absolute disdain for rural communities. Not only do governments take from the rural areas and give to the urban areas, but now they want to take what little incentive there is. For all the lip service to

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

Ross Norrie (PDF - 73k)

Submission DR163 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Mr. Jonathan Coppel Presiding Commissioner Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments Study Productivity Commission Lodged online: 11th October 2019 Dear Commissioner Coppel, REMOTE AREA TAX CONCESSIONS AND PAYMENTS – DRAFT REPORT I do not support

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

Fortescue Metals Group Ltd (PDF - 650k)

Submission DR162 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

Fortescue Metals Group Limited PO Box 6915. ABN 57 002 594 872 East Perth, Western Australia 6004 Level 2, 87 Adelaide Terrace P 61 8 6218 8888 East Perth, Western Australia 6004 E Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments Study

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

Tricia Hebbard (PDF - 47k)

Submission DR161 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

SUBMISSION Remote Area Tax Concessions and Payments – INQUIRY Productivity Commission Australian Government. 11/10/2019 To whom it may concern,. I am writing to voice my concerns about the plan to abolish the remote area tax concessions and zone

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

Jak Thorpe (PDF - 194k)

Submission DR160 for Remote Area Tax Concessions And Payments View full list

To whom it may concern. In regards to the proposed changes in this report all I will and need to say is that if these changes go. ahead, not only will you make people leave have to these remote areas but you will bankrupt members. of these

Date received: 11 Oct 2019

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