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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association (TSGA) (PDF - 249k)

Submission DR76 for Marine Fisheries And Aquaculture View full list

Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association Response to the. Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Productivity Commission Draft Report, August 2016. Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association. TSGA response to subdr076-fisheries-aquaculture.docx Page 2 of 9.

Date received: 4 Oct 2016

Dan Bode (PDF - 126k)

Submission DR69 for Marine Fisheries And Aquaculture View full list

Dear Productivity Commission, Your department, the Australian Government Productivity Commission, stated just three weeks ago, that: “There are particular concerns about the use of advisory groups in fisheries, including lack of clarity in their

Date received: 4 Oct 2016

Youth, Family and Community Connections Inc (YFCC) (PDF - 182k)

Submission PFR293 for Identifying Sectors For Reform View full list

Human Services Inquiry Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003. 4 October 2016. Dear Sir/Madam,. Re: Productivity Commission Preliminary Findings Report – Human Services: Identifying Sectors for Reform. The

Date received: 4 Oct 2016

Laurence Jones (PDF - 302k)

Submission DR91 for Education Evidence Base View full list

1. DRAFT NATIONAL EDUCATION EVIDENCE BASE: SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION. TO: Productivity Commission’s Education Base Inquiry Draft Submission. FROM: Laurence Jones,. DATE: 3-10-2016. FIRST: I believe that it is important, in the

Date received: 3 Oct 2016

VRFish (PDF - 505k)

Submission DR74 for Marine Fisheries And Aquaculture View full list

Dear Secretary Productivity Commission – Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture I am writing on behalf of VRFish, the peak body representing 838, 000 recreational fishers in Victoria. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the Draft Report relating

Date received: 3 Oct 2016

Nick Williams (PDF - 88k)

Submission DR70 for Marine Fisheries And Aquaculture View full list

Feedback on Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture. Productivity Commission Draft Report August 2016. I wish to make the following observations and comments regarding the draft report. 1. There is an assumption that there is some sort of

Date received: 2 Oct 2016

GDP Qld Pty Ltd (PDF - 905k)

Submission DR312 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

GBP Qld Pty Ltd. Productivity Commission report - Agriculture 2016. 1. Mr Paul Lindwall, Presiding Commissioner Regulation of Australian Agriculture Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003. Dear Sir,. Submission

Date received: 29 Sep 2016

Australian Livestock Exporters' Council (ALEC) (PDF - 534k)

Submission DR305 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

1 | P a g e. 29 September 2016 Regulation of Agriculture Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne VIC 8003 Email to: Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for the opportunity to provide a supplementary

Date received: 29 Sep 2016

Yvonne Meyer (PDF - 215k)

Submission DR88 for Education Evidence Base View full list

Education Evidence Base, response to the draft report. The draft report contains many excellent recommendations, particularly the importance of ‘gold-standard’evidence-based research, that value- added data should be collected, that evidence

Date received: 28 Sep 2016

Sam Magar (PDF - 318k)

Submission DR87 for Education Evidence Base View full list

SUBMISSION- EDUCATION IN AUSTRALIA 27/09/16 I read with great interest your article regarding how Education standards have dropped in Australia and indeed across the wider Western world in spite of a substantial increase in funding. Could I suggest

Date received: 28 Sep 2016

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