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Public inquiries and commissioned studies give the opportunity for all points of view in the community to be heard and considered. All individuals, firms, groups and organisations with an interest in an inquiry can participate in the inquiry.

Qld Regional NRM Groups Collective (PDF - 93k)

Submission DR130 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

We acknowledge and support the reports identification of the role that regional natural resource management organisations can play as identified in Box 3.12. We support recommendation 3.1 The Australian, state and territory governments, in

Date received: 17 Aug 2016

Janine Musgrove (PDF - 153k)

Submission DR129 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Paul Lindwall Presiding Commissioner Regulation of Agriculture Public Inquiry Productivity Commission GPO Box 1428 Canberra City ACT 2601. 17th August 2016. Dear Sir/Madam,.  After reading the draft report, I strongly support recommendations 5.1

Date received: 17 Aug 2016

Patricia Beer (PDF - 63k)

Submission DR124 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

SUBMISSION ON THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT. REPORT “REGULATION OF AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURE”Dear Sir/Madam I strongly support Recommendations 5.1 and 5.2 of the Draft Report-Regulation of Farm Animal Welfare. We urgently need an independent

Date received: 17 Aug 2016

Vegan Australia (PDF - 158k)

Submission DR115 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Vegan Australia Level 3, 50 York Street, Sydney 2000 Email: Web: 16 August 2016. Submission to the Productivity Commission on the draft report of the inquiry into regulation of agriculture. Vegan

Date received: 17 Aug 2016

Australian Securities and Investments Commission (PDF - 424k)

Submission 195 for Data Availability And Use View full list

Productivity Commission Inquiry into Data Availability and Use:. Submission by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. August 2016. Productivity Commission Inquiry: Data availability and use. © Australian Securities and Investments

Date received: 17 Aug 2016

Peter Adamson (PDF - 146k)

Submission DR175 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Tr,. 11 August 2016. Productivity Commission,. G.P.O. Box 1, 428,. Canberra City. 2601. Re: the need for an Authority of Animal Welfare. eect.' 14.0‘.1't-S„.Cje Aitifq. I am one of the many who think, similarly to you, that the crea-. tion of a

Date received: 16 Aug 2016

Chris Tallentire (PDF - 87k)

Submission DR142 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Chris Tallentire MLA Shadow Minister for Environment; Climate Change. Parliament of Western Australia. 16 August 2016. Submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report Regulation of Agriculture July 2016. Thank you for the opportunity to

Date received: 16 Aug 2016

Dominique Thiriet (PDF - 78k)

Submission DR136 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

Dominique Thiriet . Mt Surround Q 4809 15 August 2016 Regulation of Agriculture Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2, Collins Street East Melbourne Vic 8003 To whom it may concern . Productivity Commission's Draft

Date received: 16 Aug 2016

Safe Food Production Qld (PDF - 67k)

Submission DR135 for Regulation Of Agriculture View full list

PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION DRAFT REPORT REGULATION OF AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURE. RESPONSE TO INFORMATION REQUESTS. Information Request 9.2 - Egg Stamping. Queensland’s egg industry is comprised of both a number of large processing and distribution

Date received: 16 Aug 2016

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